witty username profile picture

witty username

I'm Rick James bitch!

About Me

primordial dwarves are welcome in my home.

My Interests

i make clothes and stuff,sewing,knitting and more sewing, fond of the number 23, serial killers and crime, Quite nerdilly, i collect dead and preserved insects..i have many enormous beetles that look good enough to eat, framed an on the wall of my lounge..i get them sent to me from a guy in the cameroon. im also into poi, Bellydancing,rollerskating, World of Warcraft, i am on sunstrider and have a dwarf warrior called ragnhild,and a gnomish mage called pipkin. primordial dwarves

I'd like to meet:

no big heads or mouthbreathers please


tool, a perfect circle, devil doll, madrugada,nine inch nails,immortal, isengard,storm, white zombie,cubanate,nasenbluten, front 242, einsturzende neubauten, apoptygma bezerk,ulver(anything garm related..arcturus, borknagar etc..)anything sung or composed by primordial dwarves. tartaros, carcass,giddle and boyd,the cult,led zeppelin,bjork,godspeed you black emperor,rev.co,rank sinatra,weird al,red hot chilli peppers, radiohead, the mars volta, mahavishnu orchestra,i adore 80's electropop.....


the wicker man,twin peaks,any tim burton... labyrinth,the evil dead trillogy, the serpent and the rainbow,from hell,Old boy,documentaries on primordial dwarves.


the simpsons, futurama, southpark... generally I dont really watch it...but theres a few things i like, although if youre not english, you wont know about them, but they are the day today, brass eye, the league of gentlemen, jam, vic and bob monkey tropusers,peep show, nighty night, documentaries on primordial dwarves.


"The great thing about books is sometimes they have fantastic pictures." --George W. Bushfailing that, any book regarding primordial dwarves.


boudicca, betty page,weird al, the starwars kid,lydia lunch,trent reznor, bowie, any and all primordial dwarves.

My Blog

race for life

http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/dominyjonesplease stop by and sponsor me!!!
Posted by witty username on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:56:00 PST

my pimp hand is way strong

..>..>..>1. pimp hand ..>..>..> ..> Using you strong hand to slap a bitch...> ..>..>..> Your abi...
Posted by witty username on Mon, 07 May 2007 02:27:00 PST

getting ready to move house

loads of  stuff is off to the charity shop! and theres a whole lot more to sort through,im looking forward to having a mega clothes clear out.. i keep things, thinkin, "oh one day i will customis...
Posted by witty username on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 01:35:00 PST

A peanut is neither a pea or a nut. It is a legume.

Posted by witty username on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 06:08:00 PST