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I am here for Friends

About Me

Greetings and welcome to my Page. I'm a Christian mystic, traveling this path for the past thirty years. The Holy Spirit has led me through many unusual twists and turns, and it has been an awesome adventure. At present I am living in the Present Moment and experiencing a Kundalini activation. The experience of the Father's Love has held me close on this Path, and the gifts of the Spirit have opened doors of understandings that are cherished. I am deeply grateful for all that Christ has made possible, and deeply grateful for the place I have been given in Him. The experiences I've had of the Trinity are very rich and real, and I will attempt to share some of that here. If you find you have an aversion to anything Christian, maybe it was just the messengers you found distasteful. Christ, Himself, is a very deep Truth and Beauty. May you meet Him here. Love and Peace to you. 5.2.08Openness
A great energy is being released here.
Those who can be receptive are fortunate.
If somebody misses, it is only he who is responsible.
If he remains closed there is no way to penetrate him.
The spiritual energy cannot be aggressive energy.
It cannot even knock on your door.
It simply waits like sunlight.
If you open the door it comes in.
If you don't open the door it does not knock.
It does not force.
It is not like wind in that it knocks and tries to enter.
It is like sunlight: it simply waits there.
it has infinite patience.
And only those who are capable of opening up to it are benefited.
Then there is great celebration, great rejoicing happens inside.
For the first time one knows what life is.
So just be open, and allow things to happen.

My Interests

... the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. Mat 13:45-46

Our hearts are heavens
and our eyes are light-years deep
sounding Your will, Your peace, in its unbounded fathoms:
Oh balance all our turning orbits, till that morning
upon the center and level of Your holy love:
then lock our souls forever in the nucleus of its Law.

Thomas Merton/A Book of Hours

Whatever happens in life happens as it must in that moment. So our efforts should not be with struggling to control the way things unfold, but rather in working to awaken from our own sleeping nature that punishes us each time it is not allowed to live out the dream that it has divined!

365 Days to Let Go by Guy Finley

Sweetly Broken

OSHO on Compassion - The Ultimate Flowering of Love
Eckhart Tolle in Living Luminaries movie
Guy Finley

Adagio (Albinoni)has been one of my very favorite pieces of music. It touches very deep places in me and my heart responds. I didn't know there were words given to the music until I heard Sissel sing it. Oh, yes. Beautiful. Enjoy.

For the "new man"
everything is new.
Even the old
is transfigured in the Holy Spirit
and is always new. There is nothing to cling to,
there is nothing to be hoped for
in what is already past-it is nothing.
The new man is he who can find reality where it cannot be seen by the eyes of the flesh
-where it is not yet-
where it comes into being the moment he sees it.
And would not be (at least for him)
if he did not see it.
The new man lives in a world
that is always being created and renewed.
He lives in this realm of renewal and creation.
He lives in Life.

Thomas Merton. "A Search for Solitude."

The Fragrance of the Rose

The disciples were absorbed in a discussion of Lao-tzu’s
dictum: "Those who know, do not say;
Those who say, do not know."
When the master entered,
they asked him what the words meant.
Said the master, "Which of you knows the
fragrance of a rose?"
All of them indicated that they knew.
Then he said, "Put it into words."
All of them were silent...

from One Minute Wisdom by Anthony DeMello

I'd like to meet:

To Light a Candle
in my cyber Chapel for prayer needs or gratitudes
copy/paste this link. Prayer vigil in the Present.

http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candles.cfm?l=eng&gi =dhyan


http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candles.cfm?l=eng&gi =Holy


http://www.gratefulness.org/angels/newVisitors.cfm?l=ENGI surrender to love
I surrender to truth
I surrender to God

In my thoughts and actions with myself and towards others
I give my love and considerations of love towards
their wellbeing and my wellbeing.

And towards the highest potentials
that we can achieve with in the choices we make
for the expression of our development towards love,
and loving, and being loved.

In the flow of my life
I choose to give health and harmony
as an expression of love.

I choose to have health
and reflect health and happiness
to those with whom I interact.

I take full responsibility
for my actions and my thoughts,
and my emotional intentions
within the interactions that are expressed by me
towards others and towards myself and towards God.

I choose to join with Divinity
and offer love and accept love
in the journey towards my conscious understanding
of the wholeness that I am.

Prayer from Chrism
"Unless you...become as little children"

"Certainty is the mark of the commonsense life--
gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life.
To be certain of God means to be uncertain in all our ways,
not knowing what tomorrow may bring.
This is generally expressed with a sigh of sadness,
but it should be an expression of breathless expectation.
We are uncertain of the next step,
but we are certain of God.
As soon as we abandon ourselves to God
and do the task He has placed closest to us,
He begins to fill our lives with surprises.
When we become simply a promoter or a defender
of a particular belief system, something within us dies.
That is not believing God--
it is only believing in our belief about Him.
Jesus said, "...unless you...become as little children..." (Matthew 18:3).

The spiritual life is the life of a child.
We are not uncertain of God,
just uncertain of what He is going to do next.
If our certainty is only in our beliefs,
we develop a sense of self-righteousness,
become overly critical,
and are limited by the view that
our beliefs are complete and settled.
But when we have the right relationship with God,
life is full of spontaneous, joyful
uncertainty and expectancy." From Stephanie

Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness endures to all generations... Ps.119:89-90






Let Go and Let God
Let-go is one of the most beautiful spaces. You simply exist, doing nothing, sitting silently, and the grass grows by itself. You simply enjoy the songs of the birds, the greenness of the trees, the multidimensional, psychedelic colors of the flowers. You don't have to do anything to experience existence; you have to stop doing. You have to be in an absolutely unoccupied state, with no tensions, with no worries.
In this state of tranquility you come into a certain tuning with the music that surrounds us. You suddenly become aware of the beauty of the sun. There are millions of people who have never enjoyed a sunset, who have never enjoyed a sunrise. They cannot afford it. They are continuously working and producing --
Have you ever observed a simple fact: that you become aware of your body only when there is some tension, some strain, some pain? Have you ever become aware of your head without a headache? If your whole body is relaxed, you simply forget that you are a body. And in that forgetfulness of the body is the remembering of a new phenomenon that is hidden inside the body: your spiritual being.
It does not mean that you will become lazy; on the contrary, the more relaxed you are, the more powerful you are, the more energy gathers when you are relaxed. Your work will start having a quality of creativity -- not production. Whatever you will do, you will do with such totality, with such love. And you will have tremendous energy to do it....Osho



My Blog

Among The Stars

Posted by Dhyana on Thu, 15 May 2008 01:24:00 PST

Updating my Blog

I am going back through my blog and updating expired pictures. Sorry its bringing them all forward again...they are not current, as you'll see when you see the date on them. Its been fun seeing where ...
Posted by Dhyana on Sun, 11 May 2008 01:38:00 PST

We Swim In The Sun

WE SWIM IN THE SUNThe mind it is limitedthe body will diethe heart is a mountainthe soul, it can flywe share our beliefs our lies and concernswe offer condolence in thought for returnthis is the clear...
Posted by Dhyana on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 01:00:00 PST

Remain Present

REMAIN PRESENTI found this to be a great reminder, so am storing it here! Enjoy!Remain PresentYou may be feeling controlled by things that have happened in the past and this might leave you frustrated...
Posted by Dhyana on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 01:50:00 PST

Fly Away!

Prasad's story inspired this. Thank you dear brother for sharing!A Fly Can Set You FreeLiving inwardlyin the Cage of my thoughts My heart is tortured over and over--The barbs of my memory ...
Posted by Dhyana on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 09:06:00 PST

Christian Mysticism

What Is A Christian Mystic?by Brian RobertsonAs with any religion, there are two types found withinChristianity. The first is the tribal member. He or shefavors a literal, concrete reading of Christia...
Posted by Dhyana on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:48:00 PST

All the Worlds a Stage

All the World's a StageThe Tantra of detachmentDo we allow the Tantric play that is our life to unfold,guided by our inner sense, our inner director,or are we stuck on our individual reaction to one o...
Posted by Dhyana on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 11:39:00 PST

Growing in the Spirit

"Contemplation is more than a consideration of abstract truths aboutGod, more even than affective meditation on the things we believe. Itis awakening, enlightenment and the amazing intuitive grasp by ...
Posted by Dhyana on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 09:12:00 PST


*Mercy*Uphold precepts, but be merciful. Gradually absorb, until there is no need for law.Gain wisdom beyond right and wrong.There was a young priest who returned to the community of his birth. Inste...
Posted by Dhyana on Wed, 30 May 2007 11:43:00 PST


If anyone is having problems with rising Kundalini, or would like to be in a loving supportive Group while you are in Process, I welcome you to this one. I found it to be a real Gift to travel with th...
Posted by Dhyana on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 08:49:00 PST