Building Mastery,Carpentry,Landscaping,COASTAL NAVIGATION,Natural History,Darwin & Evolution. The Art & Science of Designing. Applied Engineering with concentration on Functional aspects of structure & construction. Sustainable Designs with Ecologically sensitive quality. THE ART of TASHA TUDOR. Russian Ballet. Martial Arts, Capoeira. Growing gourds for the creation of African & Brasilian musical instruments. Also for Bird Habitat. Growing Medicinal herbs & Trees. Mermaids and the Deep Sea. IRELAND(esp.Cork),PERU,NEW ZEALAND,SIBERIA,MONGOLIA,TIBET,THAILAND & JAPAN.
Symbolic Cultural & Political Works of Art. Green Building & Archiplanet Forums. Fine Musicians, Artists & Muslima's in NYC. Those interested in Art Collaborations & Group shows combining Art & Music to connect with the World. ~THOSE IN THE GARDEN WHERE THE PERENNIAL SPIRIT GROWS~ And I also want to meet again all my good friends. FRIENDSHIP PRAYER: Thank-you God, for all my friends. Help them with all their personal struggles and life. Help me be a Great friend to them and give them the support and companionship they need. Amin. WHAT IS PRAYER? its the peace of our spirit, the stillness of our thoughts, the eveness of our recollection, the seat of meditation, the rest of our cares and the calm of our tempest. and by the way old friends on the crazy path, i heard that if your headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns. ANYONE TO TELL ME THEIR THOUGHTS ON EVOLUTION...
WIND INSTRUMENTS: strumento a fiato(Italian),dukhovoi instrument(Russian),instrument a vent(French),Blasinstrument(German),instrumento de viento(Spanish. WOODWIND INSTRUMENTS: legno(Italian),dereviannyi dukhvoi instrument(Russian),instrument a vent(French),Holzblasinstrument(German),instrumento de madera(Spanish). the group of REEDS & DOUBLE REEDS. Other instruments of interest: Bayan(Russian Accordion) & Balalaika,Mandolin,Organ,Xylophone,Lute,Tubular Bells,Marimba,Glockenspiel,Viola d'amore,Nai,Doumbek,Celtic Harp,Shakuhachi. CLASSICAL VIOLIN & PIANO. German,Latin,French,Russian Hip-Hop. The Beatles Song 'Eleanor Rigby' SAMI YUSUF is my favorite.
Muhammad(pbuh): A Mercy to Mankind. Israel,Islam & Armageddon. Three Faiths,One God: Judaism,Christianity,ISLAM. Masters of Russian Animation. Burnt by the Sun. Whale Rider. Winged Migration. The Last Unicorn. YELLOW SUBMARINE-The Beatles.
ISLAM channel,Al-Majid3,Al Jazeera,RAI,TV5Monde-Europe,TBN Russia,TVSLJEME,RTViDetsky,DAS VIERTE,BBC-News.
The Noble Qur'an. A Miracle from Allah(to Prophet Muhammad, salla'llahu'alayhi wa sallam-may Allah's peace & praises be upon him). Al-Qur'an is the Sacred Book of the Muslims. LE PETIT PRINCE by Antoine de Saint-Exupery(1900-1944). RACHMANINOFF'S Integrative Technique & Structural Organization: A Schenkerian Analysis of Allegro Moderato, from Piano Sonata No.1 in D Minor, Opus 28 by Yoshikawa,Christine M. RUSSIAN METHODOLOGY of Musical Theory & Analysis by Khannanov, Ildar. The World of the Dark Crystal by Brian Froud. THE MADELINE BOOKS by Luwig Bemelmans. FROG & TOAD BOOKS, & FABLES by Arnold Lobel. THE BEATRIX POTTER COLLECTION. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. FLOWER FABLES by Louisa May Alcott. Poems of DR. ZHIVAGO by Boris Pasternak. Books of the Great Russian Poet, Aleksander Sergeevich Pushkin. DESCENT of MAN by Charles Darwin. THE FROZEN FOUNTAIN by Claude F. Bragdon. BRAVE NEW WORLD by Aldous Huxley. 1984 by George Orwell.
In Honour of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)Allah bless him and give him peace. CARL VOGT(1817-1895) German Naturalist. "personne, en Europe au mois, n'ose plus soutenir la creation independante et de toutes pieces, des especes," It is manifest that at least a large # of Naturalists must admit that species are the modified descendants of other species. He upheld the Materialists' ideas & defended the Evolutionary theory of Darwin. GANDHI. Maurits Cornelis Escher(17 June 1898- 27 March 1972) The Dutch Graphic Artist of Impossible Constructions. Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo(6 de julio 1907- 13 de julio 1954) y su Marido Diego Rivera. FRIDA KAHLO: Pintora Mexicana. Coyoacan, Cuidad de Mexico. MALCOLM X. ANYONE I CALL A HERO IS THAT WHICH HAS BROUGHT DEEP THOUGHT TO MY MIND, and all theory's of evolution fascinate me and I still want more knowledge on this mystery. as we have feeling, heart, mind, spirit and soul, I surely believe in ALLAH and I also wish to know how cavemen and Adam compare. ?? always wondering!!!!