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About Me

Just a mad old manc bird, who enjoys life to the full.. black flame myspace layout .. Motorhead - Musikladen 1980
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My Interests

The usual..Sex, drugs and rock and roll!! Literature.. Manchester Utd.

I'd like to meet:

The bastard who ripped me off for a tenner on Longsight market the other week!! ..and Lemmy..cos he is God!!


Alabama3, Larry Love showband,Sicknote, Red hot chili peppers, Hey Negrita, Led Zeppelin, Motorhead, Primal scream, Stone roses, Happy mondays, The Stranglers, Leonard Cohen,Talking Heads,Gogol bordello, Hayseed Dixie,Rolling stones,Johnny Cash...many, many more..


O' Brother where art thou, One flew over the cuckoo's nest, Kelly' heroes, Paint your wagon, The African Queen, all Laurel and Hardy films..


Don't watch much telly, too much reality shite.. Any documentaries that catch my attention.. Shameless.


English classics, autobiographies, Stephen Kings novels. 'Red army General'and 'Men in Black' by Tony O'Neill (blatant advertising there..hehe)


Lemmy, Georgie Best, Eric Cantona, Larry Love, Rev D Wayne Love, Mani, Ian Brown...LEMMY IS GOD!!!

My Blog

Gypsy Love/Burlesque pantomime

 Finger in the Pie present CenerentolaA Burlesque Pantomime  2007 Christmas TourOnce Upon a timeThere lived a beautiful princess with an evil stepmother. So, she did what only a burlesque p...
Posted by Boudicca on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:08:00 PST

News from Alabama 3

M.O.R. ALABAMA 3'S LONG AWAITED 6TH ALBUM WILL BE RELEASED ON SEPTEMBER 10TH M.O.R is the name of their new album, as eclectic and rich a mix of musical styles as you could ever hope to hear - there i...
Posted by Boudicca on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 04:22:00 PST