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About Me

Our shopsThe Trippen flagship store combines in its interior design simple modernity with traditional handcraft. Undulating white walls and post-modern lighting are juxtaposed with handmade terracotta tiles and antique wooden stools. Through the use of walkways and mirrors the shop achieves a dynamic spaciousness. The Trippen shop is located in the Hackesche Höfe, one of Berlin's oldest and most beautiful series of courtyards in the old centre of the city. Berlin-Mitte is now the established location for young and innovative art, clubbing and shopping.Besides our own shops there are about 350 shops world-wide that carry Trippen shoes. To find a list of our retailers, click the link at the bottom of this page.
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My Interests

AwardsTrippen has won eight international design awards in recent years. In 1999/2000 the Closed collection won three awards for its innovative pattern solutions. One example is the model Hi-Cut. Here a horizontal cutting system is used to create a boot without the need for crimping or a central joining seam. In 2001 the Cup collection won design awards in Japan, Germany and the US.The idea behind the Cups was to develop an ergonomic shoe with a modern look and a new wearing sensation. Furthermore, in 2004 the latest Trippen development, the Penna collection won the Chicago Athenaeum´s Good Design Award. In 2005 the Penna collection was nominated for the Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany.

I'd like to meet:

Um Okkur Hönnunin er tímalaus og einstök.Hönnuðir og stofnendur TRIPPEN, Angela Spieth og Michael Oehler, eru á móti fólksþrælkun og taka ekki þátt í framleiðslu í Kína. Verksmiðja TRIPPEN er staðsett í Austur Berlín. Verksmiðjan er litil og beitt er gamaldags handverki við framleiðslu, og færibönd sjást ekki. Einungis er framleitt eftir sérstökum pöntunum og engin fjöldaframleiðsla á sér stað. Hönnuðir TRIPPEN leitast við að lúta lögmálum náttúrunnar og virða hana