AwardsTrippen has won eight international design awards in recent years. In 1999/2000 the Closed collection won three awards for its innovative pattern solutions. One example is the model Hi-Cut. Here a horizontal cutting system is used to create a boot without the need for crimping or a central joining seam. In 2001 the Cup collection won design awards in Japan, Germany and the US.The idea behind the Cups was to develop an ergonomic shoe with a modern look and a new wearing sensation. Furthermore, in 2004 the latest Trippen development, the Penna collection won the Chicago Athenaeum´s Good Design Award. In 2005 the Penna collection was nominated for the Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Um Okkur Hönnunin er tÃmalaus og einstök.Hönnuðir og stofnendur TRIPPEN, Angela Spieth og Michael Oehler, eru á móti fólksþrælkun og taka ekki þátt à framleiðslu à KÃna. Verksmiðja TRIPPEN er staðsett à Austur BerlÃn. Verksmiðjan er litil og beitt er gamaldags handverki við framleiðslu, og færibönd sjást ekki. Einungis er framleitt eftir sérstökum pöntunum og engin fjöldaframleiðsla á sér stað. Hönnuðir TRIPPEN leitast við að lúta lögmálum náttúrunnar og virða hana