spoilsmeander profile picture


paled mess noir

About Me

..you can download the spoilsmeander album "the plunge" for free at headphonica.net...here is one testimonial..."it is not easy to consume, not easy to get into it, but when you lay back and open your ears it feels like sitting on an armchair in a huge container that's on a truck which is driving from the docks to the city"...

My Interests


Member Since: 1/9/2007
Band Members: ..brian rehus with the help of erin lita hardy, daeve fellows, brian taylor, kenzie quatrale, kristin rubec, nigel craig, meghan stuart, mike reid, jason cornwall and the road...
Influences: all of the music that i love is less influential than it is a distraction...the words: william burroughs, brion gysin, henry miller, david foster wallace, bret easton ellis, paul bowles...the aural ethos: jomf, phil elverum, kevin mcmahon, ben chasny, angelo badalamenti, booth & brown, jason molina, sam shalabi...the locales: cleveland, toronto, windsor, victoria, seattle, thunder bay, oakville, fulton, vineland station, black rock city, san jose...
Sounds Like: sounds...a travel log of the time i've spent living across canada...over the past six years, my wife and i have lived in seven different cities and this is a record of our movement, a collection of sounds both found and made with anything i could get my hands on, alone or with the friends i've known along the way...we were lucky to do it... medalises porn...epidermal sons...displease norm...remained slops...dreamless pion...measled prison...elapsed minors...paled mess noir...
Record Label: headphonica.net
Type of Label: Indie