Prometheus(Unbound)-EMP profile picture


About Me

Prometheus(Unbound)/WTR is a member of EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) and also occasionally collaborates with the MURMURISTS and Comfy Rubbish. Prometheus (Unbound)'s output crosses over between Experimental, Electro-Acoustic, Improvisational Music and Soundscapes to Sonic & Visual Art (Painting, Sculpture, Installations etc etc). I/We hope you enjoy what you hear and see. Check out other band members and artist collaborators pages, these can be found in 'my friends' (scroll down)Cheers for giving your Time and Space to our Space and Time! from Prometheus (Unbound) and all at EMP------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- “Art is an outlet towards regions which are not ruled by time and space”Marcel Duchamp...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---...EMP are a group of visual/sonic artists and musicians lead by three core members (see myspace top friends): Ad B/zoologic, Dean R/EMP & W.T. Richards/Prometheus(Unbound)-EMP. This core trio is often joined by one or more of the following, Dave C/Igor’s Roomy Labcoat, Noel K/Kidderowski, Dave P/DLP and on occasion by Laura T (English and French dialogue). ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------EMP is an experimental, electro-acoustic, improvisational group. A collaboration between artists and musicians who looking for new artistic paradigms, collaborate to create spontaneous, improvised, sonic-art/music/soundscapes and installation/environments. ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Whilst searching for new artistic avenues EMP experiment and attempt to blur the boundaries between different artistic modes and media, crossing over, exploring and dwelling occasionally in the grey areas between art/noise/performance /sound/music/spoken word/dialogue etc to create soundscapes/music?/visual art and/or sonic art installations. ------------------------------------------------------------ ----- The music is treated as one would a painting, starting each time with a blank canvas and responding to each mark made. Adding tone, colour and texture, sometimes in an abstract way, sometimes with a broken narrative, slowly building an aural picture, a sonic tapestry.The palette is made from primary colours, mixed and altered to create secondary and tertiary colours. We use conventional and non-conventional instruments, synths, soft synths, electric piano, guitars, percussion, laptops, PCs, field recordings, samples, sequencing, live sampling, voices, toys, microphones, interference sounds etc anything that can be used to audible effect.Performance is sometimes loosely themed, put into context around a particular subject/idea or concept and accompanied by video/film and projections, which adds a visual context to the theme.Performance for example may be an audio-visual representation/exploration of say the conscious and unconscious, 'Inner and Outer Space', the 'Macro and Micro', the infinitely large and the infinitely small, 'Fact and Fiction'... dichotomies and juxtapositions...We see parallels between the visual and the sonic, we paint & sculpt with sound, you get the idea.------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse):-''When making visual art we want; rhythm, harmony, discord, something sharp and bright or dull and muted, something that shouts and something that whispers; sharp contrasts but with subtle tones within, a play on scale, an ambiguity of space. The work is sometimes very Minimalist, sparse, empty, void. Then again, it may be juxtaposed, contradicted or negated by a Maximalist piece/passage that has an overloaded, saturated, intense or overbearing aesthetic...'' ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ ''When creating soundscapes or music we are looking to play with colour, line, texture, tone, using anything we can make a mark/sound with (traditional and non-traditional instruments: drums, percussion, guitars, keyboards, synths etc, laptops, toys, field recordings, 'made' instruments, sometimes prepared instruments, samples etc...), reacting to each mark made, slowly weaving colour and texture into an aural tapestry. Sonic ephemera turns to something solid, visual, even sculptural or architectural. This in turn may be deconstructed and then made afresh, a piece of work that lives in temporality, open to change, in a constant state of flux, a perpetual shift between, light and dark, construction and deconstruction, whilst all the time dissolving the edges... and vice versa.'' EMP - (Electro-Magnetic Pulse)-------------------------...---...-------------------- -------------...---...“I tell you: one must have chaos in one, to give birth to a dancing star.”Friedrich Nietzsche. ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... Group members also have solo work, personal projects and collaborative projects with other artists as well as with EMP. ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------
Try the BEST MySpace Editor and MySpace Backgrounds at MySpace Toolbox ! -------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... Check out our Videos... ...---... ...---... ...---... ............ ...---... ...---... +=- ...---... Guilty(as charged) ................... .................. War Dance ................ ................................ Album Cover Art ....................... ------------------------------- EMP - Tracks from 'Representations of Unseen Colours' , 'Sonic Soup' and more. We hope you Enjoy. ..
Get your own playlist at! ................... Graveyard Shift .................................... Born Synthetic ................. --------------------------------------- EMP - Improv:-Hawking's Radiation------------------ ----------------------------------------- .. ....................---... .. ----------------------------- Thank you for travelling with EMP : )

My Interests


Member Since: 30/01/2008
Band Members: EMP = D.R., W.T.R./Prometheus(Unbound)., AD B/Zoologic., N.K./ Kidderowski., D.C./Igor's Roomy Labcoat., D.P. ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---...

............................................................ ..................... ................ ...---... ............ Art Archive. Past Art by WTR ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Polaroid Work ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... Portrait - Prometheus by Prometheus(Unbound)------------------------------- ------------------------...---...------------------ -------...---...----------------------------------- ----------------------Bits n Pieces-------...---... ----------...---...-------------------------------... --- ... ....................................................... --------------- --- ----- ...---... -------- Delian Dance (in Derbyshire Time) ------------------------------------ .. ------------------------------------- ------------- ...---... -------------- ---... ...---... --------------------- ----------- ... --- ... ------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Slide shows -------- 'This World-My World' ------------------------------------------ 'This England-My England-This Island Earth' - ongoing work. Simple brief/outline: to photograph my surroundings as they are, as I find them. Whatever takes my eye, from the boring and banal in the world around me, to some of the odd juxtapositions, contradictions and ambiguities I see from day to day. As the work progresses it may include images from my domestic/home world, as well as the larger outside world around me. Eventually there will be photos from travels abroad, thus the umbrella title This World-My World. ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ...---... ...---... ...---......---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... This Island Earth ...---... ...---... ...---... This England, My England - Views from the Silver Machine. ... --- ... ... --- ... ...---... ...---... This England - Nocturne ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ... This England, This Island Earth:- Classwar Karaoke live Event at WA1 18th Feb 2009 Photos by Prometheus(Unbound). This series of snaps starts with the journey to the event/venue. ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---...
Influences: Everything and anything from Abba to Zappa (so to speak, to coin a phrase etc). Some of my specific likes (though not always a direct influence) past and present include:- Amon Duul(II), Aphex Twin, Arve Henriksen, Esbjorn Svensson Trio, William Blake, Delia Derbyshire, Milan Kundera, To Rococo Rot, Tord Gustavsen Trio, Vermeer, Roxy Music, Caravaggio, Fritz Lang, Vladimir Nabokov, Paul McCarthy(artist), Dr Teeth & The Electric Mayhem, Radiohead, Albert Camus, Marcel Duchamp, alog, Morandi, Bruce Nauman, Biosphere, Ivor Cuttler, Rune Grammofon label, Fred Frith, Woody Allen, Matmos, Bjork, Apocalypse Now, Gerhard Richter, Francois-Marie Arouet, Roy Harper, Count Balthazar Klosssowski de Rola, Faust, Can, John Cooper Clarke, Popol Vuh, Picasso, Future Sound of London, Yes, Gotan Project, Umberto Eco, Hawkwind/Hawklords, David Bowie, KH Stockhausen, Early to 1979-ish Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, Edgar Varese, Ron Mueck, E.A.Poe, Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, Supersilent, Mighty Boosh, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Rembrandt, Goya, Komar & Melamid, Gong, Sun Ra, Sealab 2021, Led Zeppelin, The Simpsons, Velazquez, Zombi, King Crimson, Dada, Surrealism, Oblique Strategies, Improvisation, Experimental Electro-Acoustic, Electronica, Music Concrete, Charlie Parker, Michael Andrews, Courtney Pine, Gilbert & George, Circuit bending, BBC Radiophonic Workshop, Tony Hancock, Martin Kippenberger, Tangerine Dream, Noam Chomsky, Chris Morris, Portishead, Mark Rothko, Velvet Underground, Early to 1979 Pink Floyd, The Orb, Black Books, Steve Hillage, System 7, Orbital, Lou Reed, John Cale, Rush, Klaus Schulze, Titian, Squarepusher, Andy Warhol, Andy McKee, David Hockney, Chris Cunningham, If you have read this far you must be bored or mad...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... Have a break,Watch a Video!--------EMP 'Fractal Annihilation'---- ...---... Enjoy ...---........................... ...---... ... --- ... Back to the list ...---...The Marx Brothers, Scott Walker, Captain Beefheart, Howlin Wolf, Nina Simone, Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush, Neil Young, CSN&Y, Bob Dylan, POP Art, Vangelis, Philip K Dick, Stanley Kubrick, Stanley Spencer, Ridley Scott, Pixar, E.H. Gombrich, Toy Story, Francisco Jose de Goya, Jacques-Louis David, Francis Bacon, Laurel & Hardy, Murmurists, Motorhead, Hieronymus Bosch, Killing Joke, Trey Gunn, Tunng, Tony Levin, Mendoza's Laugh, Monty Python, Al Di Meola, Evelyn Glennie, JM Jarre, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Todd Rundgren, Steve Vai, Immanuel Kant, Nirvana, Jean-Paul Satre, The Smiths, Joy Division, Any good loaf of bread (with butter, as it is or toasted), The Cramps, Hal Foster, The Pixies, Luis Bunuel, Creature Comforts - Wallis and Gromit/Nick Park, Killing Joke, Comfy Rubbish, Rene Magritte, John Fowles, Chuck Close, Sigmund Freud, LP cover art, Lucien Freud, Spike Milligan, Fredric Jameson, Early James Brown, RD Lang, Ren & Stimpy, Martin Heidegger, Plato, The original Looney Tunes, Psychadelic Funk, Pixar, Dali, Richard Hammilton, Mark Shreeve, Redshift, Ash Ra, Evan Parker, Peter Blake, Throbbing Gristle, Null, John Cage, Stravinsky, Edgar Varese, Zoologic, Steve Reich, Derek Bailey, Psychic TV, Descartes, Terry Riley, Painting, John Berger, Sculpture, Circulus, Early Utopia, Performance/Installation Art, Video Art and so on... blah blah blah! ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... ...---... Video:- EMP - Trane's Freak Out! Enjoy ..Thank you for giving your Time to our Space...
Sounds Like: 'Metaphysical View of a Factory' or 'A Triangle with an Irrational Hypotenuse' ???
Record Label: None
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Dada Duchamp

DADA DUCHAMP.U a Dad D'champ.     Act.[2] Built and added, the stated photograph and century.  Optique as asked, stereoscopic, the copy works painted red, read of his interes...
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 03:09:00 GMT

I Will

To influence the will, to the leaving of residue:- searching on river banks, few only experience Will.To the river banks, and it's search today brings only a swollen Will. Will, 'Will' only exp...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 02:26:00 GMT

Of I

"Nervous, very, a diseased story.How your creativity wasnervous? Why had the senses all butnot destroyed a healthy story?You sharpened dreadfully that hell.I had Riedl-'Glas-Spiele','Polygonum','Paper...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 02:17:00 GMT

Prophets Wall

Bill Richards -"You have to systematically create confusion, it sets creativity free.Everything that is contradictory creates life". Salvador Dali 11:39 · Co...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Mar 2009 05:44:00 GMT

The Wisdom of 'Ruby Rough': Musings of the Day

Posted by on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 17:47:00 GMT


    PLR (Pt 1)   "Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury. Welcome to the Magic Theatre! Home of the Bizarre."   The usual crowds passed through; Gogh and Lautrec were at the...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 02:30:00 GMT

A short letter from H. Legomenon.

Ròfytij Prometheus(Unbound) ouda Cetrobroll Kliskoatazy, Väbhäizotsixo issuëyot joipsofev-diïkiqoh xyeo óluván edexuybhaehooq. Tehiúk îpp-búrouvo ewosquuchäyç iç-kimym aso yzzeab wuuvø vof epâczáfof,...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 20:45:00 GMT


We are forever searching and trying to expand our horizons in an ever shrinking world. Trying to make sense of an incomplete past to build on for an uncertain future. Today I will hear the distorted e...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 01:33:00 GMT


It's easy to be esoteric in what you do.
Posted by on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 03:03:00 GMT

Sketching Shifting Sands.

As I sit writing this, I suddenly become aware of the clock as it tic tacks nails into the coffin of my future. An undetermined future, navigated through, with nothing more than a brief outline, a va...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 03:58:00 GMT