Dingo in the Big Smoke profile picture

Dingo in the Big Smoke

Someone Saved My Life Tonight

About Me

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LIFE IS FUN.God put me on earth to have a GOOD TIME not a long time.I am an Australian. I have been living between NY and Las Vegas for 4 years.It is all good.I have lived all over the world including NY, Las Vegas, Tokyo, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide + London.I truly believe in enjoying each day and trying to be as honest and direct as possible. I enjoy singing (I do a killer INXS) and dancing.My favorite places to hang in Vegas include; The Palms, PURE, McMullens, Bootlegger, Caramel, Fontana and all the bloody good restaurants.In New York I like Basso 56, Bemelmanns Bar, 57/57, Daniel, Bounce Bar, Rumors, Barcelona Shot Bar, Straddle - my poker club and Central Park.I truly love Americans and have driven through or visited 43 states (have the North West to do next).I am a cancer survivor so am interested in hearing any other great survival stories.Tuxedo is a very sweet, super intelligent, athletic border collie. He loves frisbee and ball and going to the Desert Breeze dog park.

My Interests

My dog, trading, running, sunshine, baseball (go Braves), Aussie footy (Port Adelaide), English soccer (Chelsea), travel, happiness, food, poker, shiraz, Amarone, NZ Sauvignon Blanc, California Cabernet, music and classic movies.


Cold Chisel, Ian Moss, Jim Barnes, Tex and Don, You am I, Jon Stevens, John Farnham, Oils, Red Hot Chillis, Oasis, Goo-goo dolls, Robbie Williams, Roachford, Angels, The Beatles, The Who and U2 and on and on


The Great Escape, Cool Hand Luke, Fight Club, Wall Street, Love Actually, American Beauty, Caddyshack, Rain Man, Patton, A Beautiful Mind, A Good Year, Proof, The Interview, Notting Hill, About a Boy, 4 Weddings and a Funeral and Romper Stomper.Anything with Audrey Hepburn, Redford or Newman


Entourage, Law and Order, CSI, SHARK, American Idol, Poker, Sports and Benny Hill


Animal Farm, Power of Now, A Perfect Spy, Spy who Came in From the Cold, My Brother Jack, Chaos Theory, The Alchemy of Finance and The Iceberg Hermit.

My Blog

Aussie Slang - Some Newbies

AIRPLANE BLONDEOne who has bleached/dyed her hair but still has a 'black box'.AUSSIE KISSSimilar to a French kiss, but given down under.BADLY PACKED KEBABA vulgar (but still excellent) term for the fe...
Posted by Dingo in the Big Smoke on Tue, 15 May 2007 01:18:00 PST

World Best of Breed Poker Tour - Promises

I am a great proponent of learning from one's mistakes especially my OWN. In the late 1990s-2003 I set up, funded and managed an investment bank specializing in hedge funds and trading. We struggled c...
Posted by Dingo in the Big Smoke on Fri, 04 May 2007 10:50:00 PST

Mainstream Poker Tour Owned by Players

I have written a brief strategy paper to launch a new poker tour owned by a public entity and professional players. The idea comes from my sponsorship proposals to fund a "cardplayers bank/hedge fund"...
Posted by Dingo in the Big Smoke on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:02:00 PST

Fascist USA

I bloody well love most Americans except for the few pin headed idiots who are responsible for the evils going on in the world and make the rest of the world hate this great country. We have spen...
Posted by Dingo in the Big Smoke on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 06:20:00 PST

Movie Star and WSOP Sponsors

We closed our deal with our new lil movie star this week so now have time to concentrate on my real interest which is maintreaming poker. This involves bringing corporate sponsorship directly to playe...
Posted by Dingo in the Big Smoke on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 08:30:00 PST

Funny Week

Great frickin idea USA to jawbone the Chinese and inpose sanctions minutes after I have put on my largest yen short and euro short in 4 years. Fuck heads cost me $
Posted by Dingo in the Big Smoke on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 02:07:00 PST

Frickin Afternoon Trading

So I grind out $3-4K every bloody morning and then give back $2k every frickin afternoon. Looks like I am going back to the underground "Straddle" poker room after 1pm each day, slower way of grinding...
Posted by Dingo in the Big Smoke on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 01:17:00 PST

Stupid Poker Nicknames

Some dopy mother-fucker at my poker club calls me Crocodile Hunter cause I am an Aussie with long hair like the late great Steve Irwin. I thought that is nice to be remembered after the great man BUT ...
Posted by Dingo in the Big Smoke on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 01:06:00 PST

Fuckin Manipulated Markets

USA is a bloody basket case, debt, dodgy company directors, corrupt REPUBLICANS, so how can they keep maniuplating their currency lower, stocks and bonds higher. To paraphrase the great TYLER DURDEN.....
Posted by Dingo in the Big Smoke on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 12:59:00 PST

Helter Skelter Poker

Chaos theory applications in the real world. I put on 127 different trades on Friday in a hedged/unhedged helter skelter blitz which resulted in a beautiful day. Just going with the flow, zen like, no...
Posted by Dingo in the Big Smoke on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 02:23:00 PST