I love travelling interesting places, meeting unique faces & discovering different cultures. I love the gym or playing bball, kickboxing, snorkelling & skinny dipping at 2 am. I'm simply addicted to sunny skies & tropical waters. A lover of the arts - music, writing, reading, photography & slam poetry enthusiast. The sincerest love is the love for food - i love tapas and sangria.
Michael Jordan. Jason Momoa. Channing Tatum. Abercrombie male models & anyone ridiculously good looking.
The Joy Luck Club (and the book), Naked Weapon (The one w/ Maggie Q and the female assassins!, Transporter and Transporter 2 (actually anything w/ Jason Statham, The Notebook, Love Actually & Serendipity(when I'm feelin soft), Catch me if you can, Good Will Hunting & anything with Josh Harnett & Denzel. I also love Kung Fu movies from Ong Bak, Shoalin Soccer to the old school Drunken Master series & I think BLOODSPORT is the best martial arts movie ever!:)
Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Family Guy, Seinfield, Sex & the City, 24, Law and Order and any investigative/central intelligence type flick.
I read all books.
I love coffee table books.
I enjoy spending my afternoons in the middle of Borders with a cup of nonfat cap & a pile of books.
My Mum and her Mum