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About Me

I like nerdy shit, beer, and rock and roll. Mine is a life of Kirby Crackles and Xylene-fueled manic behavior. It's all about line quality and awkward glances.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Holy Diver

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My Interests

MAKING MUSIC. MAKING ART:Illustration, caricature, sequential art, screen printing, tattoo design, pinup art, promotional design. Rhinoceri. Cherry Coke. ninjas, black things, Delirium Nocturnum, tequila, Lindemann's Peche Lambic, yodeling in the canyon, comic books, occult knowledge, conspiracy theories , learning harsh lessons on purpose, yelling "girl's bike!!" at boys riding girl's bikes, meditation, concentration, astral projection, stuff that rules, conversations about reality or the lack of it, rocking out as often as possible in every way possible.


LOSERS WEEPERS. Alkaline Trio, Lagwagon, Coheed and Cambria, AFI, Emery, Chiodos, He Is Legend, Becoming the Archetype, Every Time I Die, Blood Has Been Shed, Converge, Darkest Hour, Deftones, A Perfect Circle, Dimmu Borgir, the Fall of Troy, Himsa, Hum, Killswitch Engage, Lamb of God, Marilyn Manson, Metallica, Misfits, NIN, Norma Jean, Pantera, Slipknot, Tool, Unearth, Type O Negative, Less than Jake, Strung Out, Tori Amos, Alice in Chains, Shadows Fall, Eminem, MC Chris, the Cars, Tenacious D, 70's KISS, Thursday, NOFX, Max Power!!, Wesley Willis, Soundgarden, Sabbath, God Forbid, Cradle of Filth, FallOutBoy, Johnny Cash, Blindside, the Cure, HIM, Neil Young, Protest the Hero, A Wilhelm Scream ...so much fuckin music... pretty much anything that makes me raise a fist or think hard.


Sin City, Big Lebowski, Lost Highway, Natural Born Killers, Donnie Darko, Secretary, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Office Space, Scarface, Perfect Blue, Very Bad Things, Wild Things, the Last Samurai, Kill Bill, One Crazy Summer, Lost in Translation, True Romance, Akira, Mulholland Drive, Ghost Dog, Napoleon Dynamite, Anchorman, 3 O'Clock High, What the Bleep Do We Know?, Fist of the North Star, Spiderman, X-men, Battle Royale, Audition, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Big Trouble in Little China, the Sure Thing, Monster Squad, Ginger Snaps, the Legend of Drunken Master, Fists of Fury, a Clockwork Orange, Vanilla Sky, the Exorcism of Emily Rose,V for Vendetta, anything in the 80's starring John Cusack and Joan Cusack, District B13, the Squid and the Whale.


Who needs it? I do however enjoy Six Feet Under, the Sopranos, the Prisoner, the Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Weeds, Dead Like Me, Venture Brothers, Deadwood, Heroes, MXC and Robotech.


the Dark Tower series, Jung, JTHM, Sin City, Behold a Pale Horse, Dynamic Anatomy, Poe, Homer, Greek Mythology, any comic book with an 'X' in its title...


Ace Frehley, Freddy Krueger, Stan Lee, Frank Miller, Hajime Soryama, Stephen King, Niel Gaiman, Alberto Vargas, Gustav Klimt, James Hetfield, MJK, William Cooper, Dimebag, Jack Burton, Frank Castle, and Thanos the Mad Titan.

My Blog

Seriously, now.

I no longer care how bad I 'freak out.' You won't catch me smoking a cigarette. Okay, JEREMY, maybe you will, but only like 3 a day... for now. Cold Turkey is a motherfucker. I actually got physically...
Posted by MikeyFNC on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:11:00 PST

Hard to picture me without them. Hard to see me continue with them.

In this minimalist trend I seem to have been experiencing for the past 2 years, I have been systematically assessing the big-picture importance of things, and either letting them go, or holding them e...
Posted by MikeyFNC on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 10:17:00 PST

Goat Cheese!

Capricorn! About Your Sign... Capricorn is one of the most stable and (mostly) serious of the zodiacal types. These independent, rocklike characters have many sterling qualities. They are normally co...
Posted by MikeyFNC on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 06:47:00 PST

Eye Ain't Mad Atcha

Seriously. I'll never learn to not blog. I regret it every time. No matter how hard I try to act retarded, no matter how high my voice gets, no matter how stupid the things that come out of my mouth, ...
Posted by MikeyFNC on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 07:21:00 PST

Hot Rod Phase

I face a certain unique situation in that I need a car real fast, as in Monday, when I get paid. I need a real fast car. Fuck gas prices. I want something big and steel and scary as hell, preferably A...
Posted by MikeyFNC on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 04:42:00 PST

long preface by BlueBlood.

Emo has been around long enough that it should have died a natural death by now. But it won't go away. It hangs around, moping just out of view, like a skinny wuss with a journal in his messenger bag ...
Posted by MikeyFNC on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 04:48:00 PST

there should be no such thing as a silent majority.

A Day Late and an 'Amero' short:         Call me a hypocrite right after you read this, because I'll be calling myself one after I write it. This subject is somethi...
Posted by MikeyFNC on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:04:00 PST

Fuck a Philly!!

So Kirsten and I drove to Philly yesterday to see mcchris. We arrived early as hell in town, parked right by the shitty ass venue Phillafunk, tried the door...locked. There was only a front door, no b...
Posted by MikeyFNC on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 06:48:00 PST

Shout it back to me, at the count of 3... 1-2-3!!

It's been a while since I blogged. Mostly because there's not much dark or evil lurking in my life or in my head. That's refreshing.     The Kyootie Pahtootee and her cats and I ar...
Posted by MikeyFNC on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:33:00 PST

Jawing Day!

After doing alot of office and recruiting stuff, I finally got to chill out and draw live today at Great Wolf Lodge on Mt. Pocono.  I've been nervous to see if I've still "got it," but once I sat...
Posted by MikeyFNC on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 08:58:00 PST