the mercy kiss profile picture

the mercy kiss

your new favourite band!!!

About Me

the mercy kiss 2002-2007: a brief history
the mercy kiss began as a two-man experiment between Aaron Moore and Bay Dariz in the Fall of 2002. They worked out of a tiny rented house on the East Side of Milwaukee in the Fall of 2002, and this experiment became a "band" soon after. TMK's first show was a nearly sold-out headlining gig at the Rave Bar in Milwaukee on June 20th, 2003 and their second show was Lollapalooza 2003. Almost immediately, TMK was generating interest on the West Coast. Armed with a well-received debut record and LA-based representation, the band relocated to LA with much enthusiasm [but little money].
The following year was a rough one for the music industries: labels merged and/or folded, massive layoffs occurred, and uncertainty dominated. TMK decided to take matters into their own hands and continued making their own records. They would go on to self-produce and self-release 3 EPs and 1 LP, and tour the country several times in the process. Band members were lost, adventures were had, meals were skipped, and many miles were put on their purple conversion van.
In the middle of all of this, TMK was contacted by a producer, and upon returning from their final tour, began work on what would be their second full-length album. The making of this record would be sometimes exciting but often disappointing.
As the months stretched on, the band ended up reverting back to the original two-man lineup. Two years had now gone by since TMK had released music or been on tour. By this point, Bay had started acting in indie films, and Aaron had become finally and utterly disenchanted with the music business and life in LA. It also became obvious that despite the band's efforts, the record was never going be finished.
Aaron decided to move back to Milwaukee , and Bay stayed in LA.

the mercy kiss would like to thank everyone for their unbelievable support over the last 5 years. We got to do so many things most people only dream of! We traveled to dozens of states and met so many thousands of amazing people, and we got to share our music with them. We're more disappointed than anyone that we never really got our "shot", but you certainly can't say the last 5 years weren't an amazing success. Right now it looks very unlikely that the mercy kiss will release any more music or play any more shows, but of course, stranger things have happened.
We also hope that you will support our future music projects with as much love and enthusiasm as you did the mercy kiss!
Bay will continue work on his goth/pop solo-project LORD BARONESS , but his primary focus will be his new band SOME HEAR EXPLOSIONS . Both can be found in our "top friends". As soon as Aaron gets settled back in Milwaukee , his new projects will also pop up as our "top friends", so please check them out as well.
Again, we can't thank all of you enough for the past 5 years, and we hope to see you all again soon!
Bay and Aaron
the mercy kiss

My Interests


Member Since: 4/8/2004
Band Website:
Band Members:
aaron moore - vocals, guitar, keys, drums
bay dariz - bass, guitar, keys, vocals

Type of Label: None

My Blog

FAQ's -- [frequently asked questions]

1. what have you been up to?we have spent the better part of the last year working on our new album "every day is a new disaster". it's nearly done, and totally worth the wait! promise ;)2. when is yo...
Posted by the mercy kiss on Wed, 16 May 2007 06:23:00 PST

2007 and beyond?

'ello, 'ello, ' there anybody out there? just nod if you can hear me. i know its been a while! i've been on a spiritual retreat in the midwest wilderness, preparing meals for appalachians and...
Posted by the mercy kiss on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:13:00 PST

** UPDATE ** new record / the future

hey everyone!i know it's been awhile since you heard from us, but it doesn't mean we haven't been busy!we finished recording our new album "every day is a new disaster" and it's in the mixing process ...
Posted by the mercy kiss on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 01:36:00 PST

*** Update *** NEW RECORD / upcoming show / BARONESS

hey kids!!!!always seems like it's been a million years since the last update, but rest-assured that we've been busy!we're still working on our record... we're done with drums, bass, and most of the g...
Posted by the mercy kiss on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:51:00 PST


hey everyone! now that myspace has made their "top friends" functionality better, we can add more of you! if you want to be one of our "top friends", send us a message [not a comment, but a message]...
Posted by the mercy kiss on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 01:21:00 PST

*** Update *** in the studio / iTunes / IPO

hey kids!i know it's been awhile since the last update... first of all - HAPPY JULY 4th!!! if you're a big nerd like me and have been watching the 13-part series "THE REVOLUTION" on the History Chann...
Posted by the mercy kiss on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 01:12:00 PST

** UPDATE: new song uploaded! new record! upcoming show! **

hey everyone! i know it's been a loooong time since you've heard from us... well, only a few weeks, but it seems a lot longer! so what have we been up to? our *main* priority right now is working on...
Posted by the mercy kiss on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 09:51:00 PST

** UPDATE: Arizona, Hollywood, the O.C., and our VIDEO!! **

hey everyone! first of all, i know i'm totally behind with replying to everyone's messages... i *promise* i'll catch up soon! things have been crazy in the TMK world, as always, but we have so many e...
Posted by the mercy kiss on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 07:24:00 PST

*** UPDATE *** shows, recording, we REALLY love you!!!

what's up?! first off, we've starting doing more pre-production and recording for our forth-coming album! the whole process is turning out to be interesting and fun. we really hope to have it done th...
Posted by the mercy kiss on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 02:41:00 PST

***** UPDATE: upcoming shows / we love you all !!!! *****

hey everyone! lordy, where do i begin? first of all, we have a couple of shows coming up! INDIE 103 presents: the mercy kiss January 30th @ the Viper Room in West Hollywood, CA 8:30pm, free with pa...
Posted by the mercy kiss on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 04:12:00 PST