ATTENTION MUSIC ENTHUSIASTS!!!digging those funky bass lines you hear on the radio? Ever wanted to learn the secrets of keepin' the toes a tappin'? Think Bass players are losers?! Think again!!!anyone... Posted by 059995 on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 06:14:00 PST |
Doomsday 2012: Prepare!!! |
for the past few days ive buried myself in research about the 2012 theory and what ive realized is that we need to start preparing. whether you think doomsday is right around the corner or not we need... Posted by 059995 on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 08:12:00 PST |
Scab Eating 101 |
we bet our friend $20 he couldnt eat the scab off his arm in under 30 seconds and taped the whole thing!
GUY EATS OWN SCAB - Watch more free videoshelp us get this on the front page of break.... Posted by 059995 on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 12:59:00 PST |