Elderfrost is a metal solo project from Park City, Utah. My goal is simply to write songs that I'd enjoy listening to. I am not claiming that my music is unique in any way, or that it is prodigally complex or deeply profound. That's not why I'm here. I just want to create music I like and have a great time playing it. Hopefully others will take some form of delight in my work, so I will be posting various songs of mine here on this page. I'm trying to keep things as organic as I can; real flute, real accordian, jaw-harp, etc. I'll obviously use keyboards for any symphonic elements, of course, but what I can do with real instruments I will.
Please note that while my music is very much influenced by the culture, imagery, and history of the Vikings, Saxons, and Celts, I am not in ANY WAY associated with any form of bigotry, racism, National Socialism, or the like. If you choose to defile paganism/heathenism/ancient Norse culture in this way, please do not bother adding me. It's absolutely great to have pride in your heritage, but pride should not by any means translate into the hatred, fear, and intolerance of other races. Thank you.