Eldgammel (Demo is released!) profile picture

Eldgammel (Demo is released!)

Pure, Ripping, Canadian VIKING METAL!

About Me

Eldgammel is a Viking/Folk metal band based out of Red Deer, Alberta and is now located in Edmonton, Alberta. The group was originally started in June 2006 when Jeff Black began writing folk metal music and recording it on his keyboard at the age of 16. Eventually, other musicians began showing interest in the project, and a full line-up was formed, allowing Eldgammel to perform live shows and project the music in a much more energetic atmosphere. After winning a high school battle of the bands competition, Eldgammel took the prize of 4 hours of studio recording time and released a single promotional song called 'Path to Valhalla' which was greeted with enthusiasm from the folk metal fanbase.Throughout 2007, Eldgammel performed many times at other school functions, with other metal groups at self-promoted gigs and also played at a Norwegian culture festival. Eldgammel performances were well-recieved, and Many T-shirts bearing the Eldgammel logo are floating around Alberta. In October 2007, Eldgammel hired David Parks and Griffin Kissack of the Calgary-based metal group Dark Forest to record Eldgammel's debut release. After some grueling sessions, a 4-song demo was procured, featuring a production value far beyond anything Eldgammel had done in the past. Around this time, Eldgammel also made their debut show in Edmonton to a large audience at the Mead Hall.In Febuary 2008, 'Warrior's Doom' was released by Eldgammel. The first (homemade) pressing, limited to 100 hand-numbered copies can be ordered through the band via e-mail, messages or bought from band member directly or at live shows. Eldgammel is currently in songwriting mode, and is overhauling their live set with fresh, and exciting new VIKING METAL material. Eldgammel wants to see you on their battlefeild!To be continued...- Jeff

My Interests


Member Since: 6/30/2006
Band Website: None yet!
Band Members: JEFF - Keyboards/Synth, Vocals | ALEX - Guitar | BRENDAN - Bass Guitar |GREG - Drums | CHRISTIAN - Guitar |
Influences: Ensiferum, Einherjer, Moonsorrow, Korpiklaani, Windir, and Tyr.
Sounds Like: Some elements of our influences, but you should listen to us and decide for yourself!
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

We've been reviewed! Check it out!

We've been reviewed! Check it out!http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vie wImage&friendID=235179307&albumID=724078&imageID=10117977 The mighty and epic Semivivius of Valhalla Promotion...
Posted by Eldgammel (Demo is released!) on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:33:00 PST

Warrior’s Doom is released!

Hail, northern warriors! Jeff here, with big news from Eldgammel camp! The new demo, 'Warrior's Doom' is officially released! After 4 months, we have finally gotten these babies ready to hit your CD p...
Posted by Eldgammel (Demo is released!) on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:53:00 PST

New Sampler Up

Hello everyone,Al Gel here again, with a Christmas Eve update. We have received the final version of our demo, "The Warrior's Doom," and have posted a sampler of some of the content. The demo will be ...
Posted by Eldgammel (Demo is released!) on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 07:50:00 PST

Recording is Finished!

  Hail fellow northern warriors! Jeff here, and I shall weave a tale to you all of epic win, and our recording experience with the almighty David and Griffin of Warwinds recording. The original p...
Posted by Eldgammel (Demo is released!) on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:41:00 PST

Parting Ways

Hail fellow northern warriors, It is with much sadness that we at Eldgammel are parting ways with our clean vocalist, William. Will is attending college, and has decided that his school commitments wi...
Posted by Eldgammel (Demo is released!) on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 03:44:00 PST


Hail, northern warriors! Check out the new studio recording of our song 'Path to Valhalla'! We did this ditty at ARC studios here in Red Deer, and Arvin did a great job with it. We hope you like it as...
Posted by Eldgammel (Demo is released!) on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:58:00 PST

New recordings: Any day now

Hail fellow northern warriors! Jeff here, and I've got some rad news. The new STUDIO recording of the original song 'Path to Valhalla' is done, mixed and mastered. The song will be released as a demo ...
Posted by Eldgammel (Demo is released!) on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 06:18:00 PST

New video

Hail, fellow northern warriors! We've just uploaded a new video of an original song being played at the Lindsay Thurber X-games back in May. The song is 'The Path to Valhalla'! This was penned by Jef...
Posted by Eldgammel (Demo is released!) on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:05:00 PST


Hail, fellow Northern warriors, this is Jeff here with some pretty rad news going around... Firstly, we have officially set our recording date. We'll be hitting Red Deer's own A.R.C. Studios for our f...
Posted by Eldgammel (Demo is released!) on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 09:14:00 PST

Tri-School battle of the Bands

Hails, northern warriors! We present to you guys in the central Alberta area another chance to catch Eldgammel live, and support them! On Wednesday, May 16th, we will be playing 3 or 4 songs in Notre ...
Posted by Eldgammel (Demo is released!) on Tue, 15 May 2007 04:00:00 PST