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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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My Interests

Varied and eclectic: Traveling, meeting new people, or better yet, both at the same time. My new love: Scuba Diving. (That is unfortunate, given that I live in Montana. We aren't known for good scuba sites out here.) Shooting, dancing, hiking, hitting a great Broadway show, hanging out with groups of friends for "game nights" (I love Catch Phrase!) and watercolor or oil painting. Going online and staring at the new Camero. I WILL own one of those! I used to enjoy all kinds of modeling; swimsuit, hair shows, runway, wedding shows, you name it. (The swimsuit ones involved a lot of Jose Cuervo beforehand.) Did a few fun TV commercials, one of which earned me the nickname "the Saran Wrap girl" for several years. I'll let YOU figure that one out. ;)

I'd like to meet:

Someone who owns a villa on the southern coast of Italy that needs a caretaker. ;o)Someone who has a job waiting for me where I can travel the world and see new places every day and make a difference in people's lives.Someone to share my life with that has the same core values, faith, beliefs, honesty and integrity, a great sense of humor, and challenges me with same desire to succeed in life so we can travel and see the world together. I'm not asking for much, am I?


I enjoy all types of music, especially my cousin James' band, "The Shins", and their new album Wincing the night away. James, you're a stud! I love country, 80's rock, the Eagles, Frank Sinatra duets, AC/DC, Christian radio, the Gypsy Kings, Andre Bochelli....but please, don't ask me what any of them sings. I am TERRIBLE! I used to work backstage hosting the bands that came to Billings and I can only name a handful of songs that any of them performed.


Break out the popcorn! I watch a LOT of movies. My favorites are any suspense thrillers or great comedies. Some favorites: Wedding crashers, Transformers, 300, Uptown Girls, Ms. Doubtfire, Under the Tuscan Sun, Something about Mary, Saving Private Ryan, and Bable. Movies are part of my rare "downtime."


Besides catching a quick ER episode or a Law and Order every now and then, I don't watch TV. I have been known to rent the seasons when they come out on DVD, like LOST, Will & Grace, and Sex and the City. If you like to play TV trivia with me, I stink, so you will win every time. Last time I paid attention I think Knight Rider was still on. (The old one, not the new one!)


I read every night, but unfortunately for my brain it is usually mindless fiction such as James Patterson, Koontz, Grisham, etc. I thought C.S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity" was very thought provoking. I SHOULD be reading my Bible a lot more than I am. Currently on my nightstand: "Prayer for Dummies."


Anyone that takes the time to show kindness and make a difference in the world without asking for recognition. Foster parents that care for kids that have no one. The people that work in the homeless shelter kitchens serving hot meals. I have so many amazing friends that show me what it's all about everyday. They inspire me!

My Blog

Montana vs. contest

CALIFORNIA:- I can wear sandals all year long- I go to the Beach - not "down to the shore"-Our chicks are WAYYYY hotter than yours. Well...Miami can hang.- I say "like" and "for sure" and "right on" a...
Posted by Jennifer on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 08:07:00 PST

Jeff Foxworthy on Montana

Subject: Montana Thought this was kinda funny! ;)  Jeff Foxworthy's comments on Montana If "vacation" to you means going shopping for the weekend in Great Falls, Billings or Bozeman (while th...
Posted by Jennifer on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 07:50:00 PST