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About Me

I describe myself as restless and loads of funny ideas but minimal actions.. sad but true, i look forward to many things in my life, all the dreams hopes and fantasies but always seem to fall short of really fulfilling them till this day. My life changed 7 years ago after i completed the fitness instructor's course and started to working in the gym at the Nanyang Community Center earning $8 per hr. I was 16 than and it was a great deal for me to be able to work out in the gym and at the same time make money all 10 minutes from home and school. From there i learn to faced up to idiots who think they are guest trainers in the gym and aunties who thinks that PRODIGY music was vulgar and lodge a complain to my head office cos i played it in the gym. I made friends who are 10 20 yrs older than me and some whom i coach when they join the gym, brought me to supper places and KTVs haha... hell of an experiencs, all these nonsense on the same year as i was taking my Os and you must have guessed, i flopped my Os and could'nt made it to anywhere except ITE.. I took another year to pass english, lost my girl friend before i when to army, I was thrown to my the wonderfool bedok camp while my home was in Jurong, never forget the days when i would dread to book in, take the bloody 1hr 15min mrt ride, letting them keep me inside for the nx 5 and 1/2 days before i could come out to see the world again. The only thing in the camp which i appreciated in camp was the gym and track and my buddy OC. The rest was just going through motion. Across the street off the camp was a nice hawker with nice cheng teng and malay chicken rice and curry mutton soup with roti. Further down the road was a Cold storage where i bought my junk food and toiletries. The best thing under the same roof was a pub called DE'BEER its the place where i hang out for a beer, pak pool and some ka-ra-o-ke when i got nights off. those were the damn boring part of my army life. Things started to change when i got into the safsa team even tough not granted attachment, my buddy OC was kind enough to let me out when there was nothing to do in camp. In safsa, i met a group was wonderful touch kakis, who i enjoyed playing with because of the fast pace my badge of safsa guys was a bunch of slackers who were smart enough to know when to work and when to relak and not the hao lian kind with all the star star attitudes. Got my collection of two safsa rugby jerseys for the two years that i was in and before i knew it, it was ORD time. believe it or not i've even done my first in camp training for my reservice unit and now waiting for the second 1 in 2004.Live after NS was great, started my first job the day after my official ORD date working in California fitness center. Nice place, nice people, nice bodies... a place where i met a wonderful girl and started a very special relationship for 1 year the same time i was studying for a sports psychology dip from SSC. Stopped working at Cali after awhile and went into rugby coaching with the help of my mentors and friends in the rugby circle, coached loads of different teams here and there, got very dark on the face with all the tan and enjoyed myself alot. Became greedy and ambitious and started my own company to run sports programs and small events and used the opportunity to get myself a renault kangoo from than on was good bye to bus and mrt rides. Managed to arrange my coaching working and commitment properly and realised i was left with alot of spar time to idle, started to look for an alternative channel to use all these energy that i have without a girlfriend. Talked to a few people and finally set my eyes on the financial planning service sector, through the help of a rugby mate, got into Prudential with a no nonsense experience boss who was willing to guide me. Met loads of people everyday, saw a death cheque being delivered to a widow, saw a 65year old's excitment upon collecting his retirement cheque. I am glad that i've joined the business.So now i am doing both coaching and financial planning, i am starting to feel like im making good use of my time no time to idle except for the occasional meet up with my buddies yap and sam for makan playing touch and talking cock haha.. All in all, till this day, my life has been like everyone's else with ups and downs, good and bad.. but i look forward to each day with an open-mind taking every challenge a step at a time.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

I am not afraid of meeting people but afraid of no one to meet.


smooth jazz (not the hard core messy can't understand kind), Rock ballad and sentimentals.


i don't have a really favorite show to talk about but i do have a most flop show i want to nominate, its the local production 15 by royston tan, it really SUCK big time F**K UP!!! waste my $$$


jeffery archer's short stories are not bad, also like to read up stuff for personal development (sales, NLP, etc)

My Blog

chat on msn..

hey if u have the msn messenger can chat with me, my email is [email protected] bert
Posted by tan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I am a sports freak, I love to play rugby but now gona play more touch cos my whole body's aching. I also picked up squash from my gals at ngee ann poly. Currently coaching rugby at a few schools and ...
Posted by tan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST