Dragon Secreto profile picture

Dragon Secreto

Life is but a dream.

About Me

DRAGONSECRETO is the musical journey of Roberto Del Valle. Thought up first in 2004 as a name to umbrella a vast array of interests including t-shirt designs, photography, web programming, poetry, screenwriting, music, and art, DRAGONSECRETO evolved into the odyssey of a man who has not been in touch with contemporary music post 9/11.
On a quest for the musical holy-grail, "the source", Roberto Del Valle succumbed to the influences of his last musical playlist. With favorite artists such as The Cure, Jimi Hendrix, Caifanes, U2, Depeche Mode, The Doors, and beat-sensitivity to the sounds of '90's House music, Roberto Del Valle forms the interesting mix of sexy, emotional content and the rhythms of cumbia, grunge, new age, bossa, hip-hop, reggaeton, hard rock, and pop. The only constant in this dirty fusion is the moody tone of Del Valle's voice hanging slightly above the sounds of the once called "progressive".
Since 2004, DRAGONSECRETO launches forth to the world as an acoustic-electric offering of the eclectic kind.
The core of DRAGONSECRETO's deliverance is the unexpected, yet catchy remixes of its songs; no two live performances are ever alike. When Del Valle ignites DRAGONSECRETO, along with musical guests, doing what the hell you feel like doing has never felt better. Rockin' the stages of its local L.A., DRAGONSECRETO has performed in places such as the BB Kings @ Universal City, the Cat Club, the Bitter Red Head, the Cafe Sevilla in San Diego, and the well-worn Westchester Sports Bar. Its shared the stage with local favorites such as Afixion, Fatima, Fitter, Tommy Mora, Orgullo Cafe, La Diabla, Pastilla, Andres Lehuede, Leo Machado, Lik y Dildo.
Set to release an album at the end of 2008, DRAGONSECRETO is having limited engagements up until the promotional tour in 2009.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/7/2004
Band Website: http://www.dragonsecreto.com" dragonsecreto.com
Band Members: DRAGONSECRETO is roberto.d.e.l.valle

Contact info:
[email protected]
Sounds Like: music.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

You can’t just sit back and hope

"You can't just sit back and hope... you have to do something.  In a town like this, hope will kill ya!  It's your move."   Greatest line in  "Fast Food Nation"   Different ki...
Posted by Dragon Secreto on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 06:39:00 PST

June 7th Video Promos. GLM>

Posted by Dragon Secreto on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 01:20:00 PST

10-minute break.

Would you have sex with your last ex?Yes.  But only after we got married.Ever kissed anyone 30 or older?Yes. Tons of people!  (you don't mean in the mouth right? ewww)Have you kissed anyone ...
Posted by Dragon Secreto on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:40:00 PST

Poor people cannot afford computers.

I recently heard a friend of mine describe how institutionalized racism continues to oppress minorities, leaving them behind as educational institutions move forward into the technological age.Before ...
Posted by Dragon Secreto on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 05:11:00 PST

We should be in Manzanar

But because of work, I didn't get to make it to Manzanar this weekend. Instead, I'll be learning Japanese, meditating, exercising, painting, and getting the June 7th set solid.Nevertheless, I wanted ...
Posted by Dragon Secreto on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 03:25:00 PST

on my way home, i saw one man...

sitting on the corner of PCH and Avenue C.holding a sign with the words "War is not the Answer"one lone man.and I wonder how many pass him and just smirk, thinking "what an idiot.. war IS the answer"....
Posted by Dragon Secreto on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 05:49:00 PST

April 12, 2008 Sneak Peek Video

I will be performing this and other songs tonight.. come enjoy beautiful LOCAL Art, meet the Artists, and listen to Dragon Secreto and more...** Bring your Mp3 Player, Pick your favorite s...
Posted by Dragon Secreto on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 04:30:00 PST

I broke my hand, no more guitar playing for me... ever... :(

APRIL FOOLS!But seriously, I shouldn’t be joking about my hands.. the arthritis is bad enough.:|Y’all have a safe and super April Fool’s Day.. and um, thanks so much if you felt bad ...
Posted by Dragon Secreto on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 02:03:00 PST

Complete your past and move on - ARTICLE

Click on the link to look at the nicer looking article:from:  http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/personal/03/25/rs.complete.yr .past/index.htmlComplete your past in order to move onLife coach Gail Bla...
Posted by Dragon Secreto on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 02:40:00 PST

What finally helped relieve my back pain...

adrenaline.that feeling of wanting to kick some ass.but now i’m tired of feeling that way and so it’s starting to hurt..i received a refresher course today on how to keep myself from being...
Posted by Dragon Secreto on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:37:00 PST