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About Me

My journey has given me experiences that have ensured I am able to keep a cool head when those around me are losing their's. A useful skill bearing in mind what is on the horizon: Not so much change and more re-arrange.Though most of my life I have felt guided (i feel everyone is if they are honest), my big wake up call came after being interested in the Green movement and vegetarianism for several years. I read a book called 'it doesn't have to be like this - Green Politic's explained' by David Icke. I finished the book and began to cry like a child. I had not cried for more that 10 years so it was quite a release something changed at that moment. Why cry? Because I realised just how much we have fucked up this planet (and given others permission to do it for us) and I felt completely ashamed at being a Human. This was all a bit strange when you consider that at the time I was laying on my bed in the Sergeant's Mess in my Army unit in the then West Germany.I spent over 10 years in the British Army as a Medic, and enjoyed it to the full. Away from the soldiering, I was involved in Swimming, Triathlon, Ski-ing and Hockey.I served in Gulf War I and ended my service at RMA Sandhurst, the Officer Training Establishment.I woke up on Fri 13th Dec 1992 and realised that it was time to move on and terminated my service there and then! That same day I met the Queen of Denmark, she shook my hand and said 'hello there'. Surreal moment.I am now a Paramedic and Team Leader at Felixstowe Ambulance Station, Suffolk, England. I have a team of 11. I am holistic in my approach. I consider that my role is to wake up as many people as I can. Its interesting how open people are when they are having a major 'life moment'. I have lost count of the number of people who have died in my presence, usuallly very old people who have reached the time to move on. I always feel privliged to be present. I have no problems telling people how it is! I will not let patients (or anyone)'plug in' to me, energy vampires will steal ones strength if allowed. Being part of an ambulance crew is just incredible. Its where I am meant to be.I am currently involved with the Sun & the Serpent Mysteries School, Spain where I facilitate Shamanic Experiences for myself and others. I am also the co-director of The Ipswich Truth Campaign, a group set up to raise awareness about the REAL events of Sept 11th 2001 and exposing the so called official story for the fabrication (or lie) that it is.Though what I have written here is only part of my story I have lead an amazing life and I treasure each and every moment. I will embrace tomorrow with that same childlike sense of wonder.If you are reading this our hearts will have met. Thank you for reading. I want you to know that you are a special personNot only are we are going to make it, we are making it!Lovelifelive Evolove 2012now

My Blog

about time

«»«»Time is exactly what I make of it«»«» Time is fractactully what I want it to be Time is free, time is I see, time is& Time is me Time is the now-ness and know-ness Time is oneness and the sun-ness...
Posted by Carl on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 11:55:00 PST


± evolove Within the feel of the pulse A living breathing being A thinking seeing feeling Comes a welcome freedom choice Creating the space and the chance To pierce the slumbering trance To dance wi...
Posted by Carl on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 11:48:00 PST

Hearts of Light Infantree

«»Hearts of Light InfantTree«» A post Terror-dactillian lament& Evolve we loving people and let the now be free Evolve we shagging sheeple and remember who makes the tea. Resolve this separation of ...
Posted by Carl on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 11:44:00 PST

this is a message

Who are the Sun ? Who are the light that shines in everyone ? Our kin our friends our lovers our skin They are we and we are the Sun. Who are the Moon ? Who dances to that tune ? Our kin our friends o...
Posted by Carl on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 04:51:00 PST