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I am here for Friends

About Me

If you want to add me, my last name is Reiman. You should at least know my first name. I love NES. I'm a neat freak. I take long showers to wash away the sins of the day. I like German beer, Japanese beer, Scotch, and Whiskey. I like good beer and Tokyo Tea if it's strong enough. I can make jungle juice better than anyone I know (just give me a couple of days to prepare). I can finally say that I absolutely love my job. I sing karaoke. Some people tell me that when they first met me they thought I was an asshole. I usually tell them that they were right (that keeps them guessing). I'm an amateur screenwriter, working on tomorrow's blockbuster masterpiece when I have the time. It's about 75% complete. If you're lucky I might let you read it, but probably not. I'm a 4 year Air Force veteran and I've been a civilian since 4 April 2004. Don't ask me what I did or if I flew because the only thing that I flew was a desk and computer. Can you find me in the picture below? I'll give you a hint... I'm the one that looks pissed off.

My Interests

I like doing anything that involves hanging around the people closest to me.

I'd like to meet:

David Lynch, Charlie Kaufman, Johnny Cash (R.I.P.), Till Lindemann, Rob Zombie, Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Sergio Leone, Charleton Heston, Rush Limbaugh, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, Peter Weller, Lewis Smith, Jack Fucking Bauer, Quentin Tarantino, Pat Morita (R.I.P.), Matt Stone, Trey Parker, and Tom Cruise so I can kick him in the balls if he hasn't already been castrated by that cult he belongs to. Also Borat...he's my hero!As far as the rest of you, I just want to meet people that are fun, somewhat intelligent, a little crazy, always trustworthy, and caring. I don't want to meet people who are rude, mean, selfish, obnoxious, thieves, backstabbers, and liars.

Fred Thompson
Score: 52 Agree
Stem-Cell Research
Health Care
Social Security
Line-Item Veto
Death Penalty

Duncan Hunter
Score: 52 Agree
Stem-Cell Research
Health Care
Social Security
Line-Item Veto
Death Penalty

-- Take the Quiz! --


I love all types of music and if I'm at a bar with karaoke you'll definitely see me up there making an ass of myself. I like singing alot of classic songs.My favorite karaoke songs to sing are Du Hast, Asshole (my theme song), any Johnny Cash song, Bohemian Rhapsody (but only with the Hookerz). My favorite music comes from Johnny Cash (new and old) and Rammstein (I know it's a weird mix).


I love all kinds of movies but since I got into screenwriting I see myself picking them apart a little more. I've always been a fan of older movies. Here are some of my favorites in order of importance: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY SEVEN SAMURAI A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS VERSUS


The A-Team (My favorite) 24 Heroes The ShieldUFC JOSH KOSCHECK


I haven't read in a long time. Dune is my favorite.CHILDREN OF DUNENEC 2002.


There's only one worth mentioning. Can anyone name this guy?