Duncan Hunter in 2008 profile picture

Duncan Hunter in 2008

Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong. - Ronald Reagan

About Me

Why Support Duncan Hunter For President?
1. Duncan Hunter is the “National Security” candidate. He served with the 173rd Airborne and the Army Rangers in Vietnam, and was, most recently, the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee in the House of Representatives. Duncan Hunter knows defense.
2. Duncan Hunter originated the fence along the Mexico-U.S. border decades ago in order to cut down crime against illegal immigrants. Today, that fence (a double fence) is 14 miles long. It has cut smuggling (people and drugs) over 90% and has drastically reduced the 10/year murder rate of illegal immigrants by removing the mobility of the cross border criminal gangs. It has eliminated the major cross border drug automobile chases. The crime rate in San Diego as a whole is 44% as compared to the pre-fence crime rate. A large scale extension of the fence (700 miles long) was authorized in the 2006 bill “Secure Fence Act of 2006”. His efforts over some 20 plus years have brought the fence to be considered as a major instrument of immigration policy and border control.
3. Duncan Hunter is Pro-Life.
4. He is a strong proponent of fair trade. He notes that recently the head of the Federal Reserve Board declared China’s 40% devaluation against the dollar by the government illegal. Today, China has a 17% subsidy for its manufacturers, a 17% tax on U.S. imports, and this 40% artificial currency control to put U.S. manufacturers at a 74% disadvantage. Many nations have enacted less dramatic, but very significant, unfair taxes and practices that give them a large advantage. In the case of China, its surpluses so generated are being used to buy and develop weaponry targeted against the U.S. He wants fair trade so the U.S. may be on a level playing field, and does not want the fruits of unfair trade practices to be used against the U.S. economically and militarily.
About My CandidacyThe Official Site of Duncan Hunter for US President in 2008
The Conservative Case for Duncan Hunter in 2008
America Needs A Fresh Face
Duncan Hunter: On the Road to the Oval Office
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Debate Question: What government does well and poorly

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Duncan Hunter's Appeal To Conservatives On The Net

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To America's Critics

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Duncan Hunter on the Border Fence

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Duncan Hunter on China

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ProLifeNews.tv Interview with Congressman Duncan Hunter

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Posted by Duncan Hunter in 2008 on Wed, 23 May 2007 06:54:00 PST