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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Please keep your hands, feet, arms, legs, head, torso and assorted private parts inside the vehicle at all times while the vehicle is in motion. This is a one way tram ride to happiness so hold the hell on! its been a long long time since i changed this page, and its much overdue. People who know me, yeah you out there, i'm not going to be sad or upset about the same stupid stuff anymore, i'm moving on, and life is going to be GREAT! thank you all for standing by me. i know it has been a rough trip. To those that don't know me, hey, nows a great time to be near me, cause i'm less psycho. great advertizing yes?

My Interests

sometimes music, sometimes reading, sometimes going out, always EQ. i know i'm an incurable nerd. so sue me. but if you play EQ the /t me sometime,

I'd like to meet:

hmm i would like to meet nice, fun, sweet, generous, wonderful people, failing that, i woudl like to meet interesting people or funny people. not saying that funny people aren't interesting... or that interesting ppl aren't funny.. aw never mind. just bring yourself on a plate and we'll talk.


In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love; they had five hundred years of democracy and peace and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock.


Protect the enviornment. Safeguard the future of our oh so precious plant life. Eat vegans.i LOVE princess bride. i love demolition man. deal with it.


now this box.. doesn't work where i am at the moment. i DO love science shows where they blow stuff up tho, like myth busters. and the penn and teller version, i forget what its called. and i like mail call, and i love watching animal planet cause i'm a chick and a sucker for fuzzy crap like that. this is not to say that i am a discriminating watcher, no sir! (or ma'am) i will watch just about ANY trash if someone puts it on.


"Most people would rather be certain they're miserable, than risk being happy." books.. i love sci fi and fantasy mostly. will read just about anything tho. you know, soup cans.. "to resident" mail, fine print....


There's this guy i know. He left his home country when he was 40 years old to come here to america. Been teaching himself english for years, to get ready. and once he came here, he got mugged twice, dicked around, lived in bad parts of town, put up with crappy working conditions, got screwed over and taken advantage of by people at work, slept on cardboard boxes for 3 years, accidentally ended up in the room of a gay man (innuendo is not something they put in books to learn) and is getting the runaround trying to get citizenship legally. That being said, he is cheerful, nice, generous to a fault. He is the strongest person i know. if there was ever anyone that i looked up to, its him, because he survives, and does better than that, he LIVES. he has seen more of california than i have, takes time to go to museums, volunteers, helps run voting booths during election time, takes music lessons, enriches himself. God, i wish i knew more people like him.

My Blog

HEY i know you!

i recently met this great person.  it was me. no really. i hadn't talked to her for a long time, but she has some ok things to say.  we used to hate eachother, she and i. but no more, we are...
Posted by emiko on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 07:06:00 PST

Happy Days!

hooray! i thought that my little cat was gone forever because when i went out on tuesday i couldn't find her and then wednesday i didn't see her and i had to go to san diego (which was fantastic...
Posted by emiko on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


today i was feeling sad as i have been for a few days, but i decided that i should walk no matter what, for me. then as i was coming home i heard a cry, and not a quiet one NYAAAAAAH! NYAAAAH!!...
Posted by emiko on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

is it all just predestiny?

jer just posted this bulletin, and it bothered me a lot. so i thought i would cut out my parts and leave them here so i could think on it more later. what do you think? -E- Your greatest need is...
Posted by emiko on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST