God is my main interest. Fascinating! The unknown can be something that we shy away from. Would you rather you know what lies ahead, and it be bad, or not know and pray for the best? I pray for the best and try (I said try, doesn't mean I always succeed) not to fear the unkown. I have done a bit of mission work. I went to Mexico to build houses. I loved it and hope to do more in the future, when I have more time outside of school. I live and work at the beach and LOVE it. Just learning how to surf! I have a great teacher that works at Endless Summer in Mission Beach (one of my groups, check it out). Being outdoors is what I love best, (i.e. camping, hiking, layin' out at the beach, surfing, scavanging through tide pools, beach-cruising, skateboarding, ice-fishing, yep, ice fishing, etc.). I love dancing and going out with friends as well. Always enjoyed sports (playing and watching). I love motorcycles (sports bikes that is) too. I am definitely going to be a biker chic, someday. I would like to try skydiving and kite-surfing (that's after I get better at surfing). I would like to try more adventerous things that I haven't done before and travel more, whether it's just a weekend getaway or a few months backpacking in Europe. The pics are from Big Bear. I went with some frenz and I found a new love...snowboarding! Luv the snow, even tho I don't like to be cold.
My dad always said..."it's not what you know, but who you know." As for friends, I would be stoked on some good people that are interested in just having a good time. I need to meet more people that I can ride waves with (girls and guys). I'd also like to meet some good Christian friends that I can count on. People who are not afraid to tell me what they really think and can challenge me to be a better person. I have already found my man...sorry guys!
My fave band is Parallel Project...Marshall and B!!!! Top 8. I love music from bluegrass and reggae to hip-hop and rock. Depends on my mood. I really like going to shows and listening to live music, even if it's local bands. Not much of musical person, but admire those who have the ability, especially to flow!
Garden State, Five People You Meet In Heaven, Corpse Bride, Life As A House, Passion of The Christ, The Beach, Boondock Saints, The Notebook, Shrek (1 and 2), Sharktale, Passion of The Christ, Beyond Borders (love Angelina), Pirates of the Carribean, Napolean Dynamite (it's about the llama), Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Madagscar is so cute (I love the kiddie movies), Constantine, Old School, EuroTrip, Wedding Crashers (Hilarious!!), Nightmare Before Christmas, Exorcism of Emily Rose,Click and more, so I'll add them later when I think of them.
Packers football!! Other than that, the show planet earth is amazing, especially in HD!
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The whole Bible (work in progress), Dancing Cats of Applesap (middle school reading), Where the Red Fern Grows, The Green Mile (Stephen King), Bag of Bones (King), The Testament (John Grisham), The Street Lawyer (Grisham), and more. Wow, I need to read more...This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
Definitely God, my parents, my Bro who has been in Iraq twice for the Army, my grandma, and that "Wife of Noble Character".