polygon profile picture


a dream within a dream

About Me



sein lernen

01 gestern
02 tag ohne gestern
03 endstation
04 autophobie
05 gemeinsamer nenner
06 kalter fleck
07 der konstrukteur
08 der luegner
09 experimente
10 sein lassen [ vocals - ruth messmer ]
11 der träumer
12 erinnerung an mich

sein lernen / remixes

01 gestern | flint glass
02 tag ohne gestern | disharmony
03 endstation | mnemonic
04 autophobie | ab ovo
05 gemeinsamer nenner | displacer
06 kalter fleck | nerthus
07 der konstrukteur | klangarchies
08 der luegner | normotone
09 experimente | for a space
10 sein lassen | fahrner
11 der träumer | ribitronic
12 erinnerung an mich | polygon

polygon|nerthus_split CD / nerthus tracklisting and previews of polygon tracks below...

My Interests


Member Since: 1/6/2007
Band Website: spiel-raum.net
Band Members: ingo lindmeier
Influences: as there are uncountable impressions living inside every fleeting moment floating my mind... it is nearly impossible to name all the sounds and colours ...the energy... and the words working within me ...giving form to whatever is growing outside :

anyway there are some great artists who touched me very deeply during my life and their outputs sometimes have been like home to me...

stansilav lem
leaether strip
nine inch nails
andrey tarkovsky
mortal constraint ;o)
nitzer ebb
coco rosie
forma tadre
hans zimmer
james newton howard
clock dva
sigur rós
robert rich
tori amos
emiliana torrini
steve roach
boards of canada

...to be continued

Sounds Like:

for me as creative energy walking this sonic landscapes my music surely awakens different views to me as to any other listener . during my journey the face of polygon changed from release to release so how to say it sounds like ? ...i think the best way to find out what music makes you feel and see ...is to explore the music...so take your time and listen...:

mortal constraint
arbre noir meets polygon
solaris compilation
halbschlaf - polygon
nerthus - polygon
polygon remixes

Record Label: polymorphrecords | funkwelten | glasnost music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

polygon / memorandum songlyrics

memorandumhast du die kleine stimmeaus den ohren verlorenbist wohl krank gewordendabei den ernst geborenschöner traum zerplatzoberflächlich angekratzttrauerst deiner zukunft nachso glatt und so beraus...
Posted by polygon on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 01:50:00 PST

ist es richtig

ist es wichtig zu teilenist es richtig zu verweilenist es wichtig zu sehenist es richtig nun zu gehenmeine bewegung meine belebungdeine verwebung starre bewegungmeine sprache mein innerer klangdeine w...
Posted by polygon on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 02:35:00 PST


ich erinnere mich an dichverblasst doch wahrnehmbarbilder vom vergangenen wireigenartig... ungreifbar...
Posted by polygon on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 09:13:00 PST