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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

This nut Russ Dove who is like obsessed with me (regular girls get the average annoying player to hassel with now and then, who do I have to bat off? Crazy white supremacists.) posts this up on youtube to try and intimidate me or some other twisted shit idea that goes on in that wacky empty head of his. LOL the title of the clip is "Agent Ms. Clark Spins the Truth"
But no problem, the film speaks for itself. HAHA I still don't know what he was trying to accomplish putting this up. Because all I know is that i look damn good.

I'm just that interesting mixed breed everyone meets once in their lifetime. Black (GIVE ME BACK MY FREEDOM DAMMIT!) and Native American (GIVE ME BACK MY LAND DAMMIT!)
Tewa and Navajo to be precise. I'm ususally the loud rebel type chick in the group. You know the one i'm talking about. The dumass of the group that says "hey! i wonder what's behind that warning sign! LETS GO!"
I've been a tom-boy my whole life. Prefering to play outside with the boys then dolls with the girls. Girls hated me and i hated them. I still am pretty much the same except now i'm referred to as a "pretty" tom-boy since i care about hair and makeup now. (never too much though, i'm the more natural type chick).
I usually have more guy friends then girlfriends. Again, not complaining, its always been like that.
I have two passions in my life right now:
Theatre- I've always loved the theatre. The heat of the lights shining down upon you, the complete and utter silence throughout the house- all for you, the only sound your booming voice, the audience hanging on to your every word and movememt.
There is not a better feeling in the world. No drug can top that flying feeling of bringing a character to life- it's giving birth but without the pain. hehe.
I'm also quite the little spitfire in world issues.
I'm an activist. I've always been this way; articulate, asking questions, thinking outside the typical paradigm presented to us so we can consume it mindlessly. But just until recently I'm starting to meet my full potential.
When I'm fighting for something I believe in I won't stop until it's accomplished.
Authoritive,relentless, and intimidating are just a few words people have used to describe me when that fire's in me lit. Lets just say it will be unfortunate for whoever is on my opposing side.
Hmm.. an actress AND activist?! CRIPES! Am i a Jane Fonda in the making?! Nice.
So if ever you get a chance to meet this particular female mixed breed, remember my face, because I may be in pictures one day, be fighting with you on the battlefield(maybe against you?)...or owe you money, whatever, it's all good.
You Are Miss Piggy
A total princess and diva, you're totally in charge - even if people don't know it.
You want to be loved, adored, and worshiped. And you won't settle for anything less.
You're going to be a total star, and you won't let any of the "little people" get in your way.
Just remember, piggy, never eat more than you can lift! The Muppet Personality Test
And even when life gets you down and struggles are abound you still gotta remember to laugh at life and PARTY!!!


My Interests

I Love comedy

WORLD CUP 2006!! w00t!

My main interests are anything to do with great works of literature. I'm a HUGE book worm. Have been my whole life, always the little girl trying to find loop holes in the public library system to check out more books than the allowed limit. I still think it's 32.
So books books BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love all sorts (but I guess that will go in the book section)

I'm a lover of philosophy, politics, history, art, sports, theatre, and film.
I'm also really adventurous so I love exploring foreign cultures!
I pick up on languages pretty fast so I guess that's one of the reasons it appeals to me. ALSO THE FOOD!!
I hope to backpack all over the world someday.
I would love to start in Asia.

For some reason, ever since I was a little girl I've been particularly fond of that region. I LOVE anything to do with Japan!!
I love the food, the music, the fashion, the TV shows, the films and...ANIME!! yes, I'm a huge anime junkie.

So with Japan I just seem to love the whole Asain culture. I currently work in a Vietnamese restruant, have done many reports on the Chinese culture and have attended many holiday celebrations that are Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean.
I don't know. I just really love it all!
If you're interested lets travel together, ne?

I'd like to meet:

I'm not one to really go all out for celebrities.
like "OH MY GOD!! ITS FUCKIN BRAD PITT!!! AHHHHHHHHH!! *foaming at the mouth*"
i'd instead be like like "hey! what's up?"

But it's nice to see how much one changes over time, no?
I used to be head over heels in love with this man named Daryl Palumbo- lead singer of Glassjaw and Head Automatica.
Now, however, if I were to see him on the street (along with Brad Pitt) I don't think I would "freak out" as much as I once felt I would in a previous stage of my life.
Awww, but he was my first real celebrity crush; but my love for him was completely justifiable on account that once upon a time I felt I could relate with all the pain that he felt. It made me feel less alone.
But now I believe both him and me have left that part of our lives behind us, that, or everything seems a little more bearable now, and so I wish us both all the luck the world has to offer on our new journeys in life.
I still deeply hold him in a part of my heart so I'll still keep up the little shrine that I had up for him that proceeds in the next paragraph.

I think the reason why I have fallen madly in love with him so much is because- he's just so real. I don't know how to describe it. Like his voice channels every emotion he ever feels. You don't just hear it, you feel it. The anger, the sadness, the hopelessness, the irony, happiness, heartache- he releases it all through his music.
I've always believed your true passion; writing, singing, painting, acting- those are all ways we can release the negative energy trapped in side us, and Daryl is the perfect example of that.
I look up to him so much because he battles Crohn's Disease. He knows pain and everything it completely has to offer- the loathing, the self-pity, even momentary thoughts of escaping it all.
But this man deals with it in the way that ,yes, at times he does let his pain show-it's unhealthy to keep it inside all the time- but right after that? He picks yourself off the ground and continues the journey.
I have had Osteochondritis Dissecans for years now. I relate his song "Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Silence" where he sings about his times in the hospital.
That song is so powerful, and tragic, and intense. So human. All his songs feel that way.
Listening to Daryl Palumbo's struggles and triumphs makes me feel like I'm not alone, you know?
I feel stronger.

So celebrity-wise; only Daryl.
Everyone else seems just like ordinary people just with a higher paycheck than mine.
But I would like to meet every individual who has helped change the world in even the smallest way possible.

But this man.



Delegado Cero

El "Sup"

This man is ethereal.

And as I told him;

No longer solely in the books she reads, the films she sees, the stories she hears or the past histories she was never a part of.

He is he.
And he is here.
And so is she.

And we will all make it out of this.
We just have to wait for the rain.

There are so many worthy people I would give anything to go back in time to meet them and join in their struggles; Ceasar Chavez,Roman Nose, Malcom X, Che, Angela,Zapata, Lolita, Corky, Huey and Bobby, MLK, DuBois, Peltier.
My god there is so many to name but they all hold a specail place in my heart.

These people all bring me courage. I want to meet them all and tell them thanks.

But anyone who shares the same veiws I have.
Complete and utter equality for people- where little things like race, religion, beliefs, economic stature, location- NOTHING will make a difference.
If you share those same views, than I would love to meet you too.


GLASSJAW! Darly Palumbo's voice is just so amazing -_-,(i really won't go on about the greatness of glassjaw, i'll be here all night) I'm really into the rock scene. growing up, lets say in the more 'cultured' part of Tucson, i grew up listening mainly to rap and hip-hop. When middle school came i realized, you know what? this sucks. i just don't care for the rims, bling and the bitches and hos. SURE! i still love to dance. and i still listen to some hip-hop: favorite rappers Ludacris, Busta Rhymes, and Missy Elliot. but I just prefer rock. BUT STILL REALLY LOVE TO DANCE *doing really black ass shaking dance to Drop It Like It's Hot as we speak*Favorite bands/singers: Anything associated with Daryl Palumbo, Taking Back Sunday, System of a Down, Linkin Park, Finch, Nurses, Slipknot, Ramones, Radiohead, Queens of the Stoneage, Korn, Foo Fighters, The Postal Service, Keane, Yoko Kanno, Hot Hot Heat, The Mars Volta, Lost Prophets, Deftones, Modest Mouse,Incubus, Lamb, Bjork,Garbage, Glove Puppet, BOB MARELY AND The WAILERS!!. BLAH! it's gonna be impossible for me to name all of them because i don't just like one type of music, you know?HAHAH! then gotta love my local bands!! if you're ever in Tucson sometime (which i'd feel sorry for you) check out these bands. The Mundays- punk-ish* Porte La Gente- ska-ish* Old Man- ...dude, i really have no idea what i could lable them as-ish* HAHA! Less Than Famous- really preppy but TRYING to be punk-ish HAHA! no i love you guys.* Put my bottom dollar (by the way, what the hell IS a bottom dollar?) that atleast one of these bands are gonna make it.


Like you know the types of movies broads watch when they're feeling down-
"OMG!! (insert blank) DUMPED ME!" "I FAILED MY EXAM!" yadda yadda, so we put in our favorite movie and eat like a pint of starbucks icecream?
My chick flick that always cheers me up is Die Hard. Or South Park ( i love the baby!! Kyle's adopted brother. what's his name?..man i forget but hearing his voice always cheers me up.lol)
Sure I like SOME real chick flick movies though; Labyrinth, A Walk in the Clouds (basically anything with an outrageous amount of romance or fantasy counts as a chick flick.
BUT BOTH IN THE SAME MOVIE?! Well then that's just a regular sleepover with the girls! *giggle giggle as some random chicks tie me down and paint pink polish on my nails while I fight ravenously*
OOOo BUT!! I basically like anything Hiyao Miyazaki and his films often have both romance and fantasy.
BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT because the man is a genius.
And so outside of the wonderful world of corporate Hollywood I LOVE a good independent film or ..ary.
Something stunning and breathtaking. Just something that makes a thought that usually would never enter your head find its way in there as if it owns the place.
'Crossing Arizona' tends to be one of my very favorites right now. What can I say? A ..ary that completely focuses on issues us Arizonans have to call life daily?
THAT'S MY KINDA FILM! Like everything on the news you see right now: the border, "illegals", these protests on the streets.
This isn't anything new people. And it's about time this issue is put in the spotlight it deserves.
So if anyone ever hears that 'Crossing AZ' is coming close to your area-go see it right away.
You will not regret it.


Which celebrity should be given a national holiday?
Children will have to dye their hair red.

One Piece!!!.

UGH! YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE ORIGINAL JAPANESE VERSION THOUGH! The English version is toxic. They butchered such a damn good show.

So yeah with that said you can also assume I'm a BIG lover of anime.
Yessir am quite the geeky Otaku.
It all started when I was young and my first show i HAD to watch everyday afterschool was SAILORMOON!


What a damn good classic! That was like the first super hero show I watched where they were all GIRLS! It rocked! I was like Yea! I'm gonna be a sailor scout!
hahah, good memories


I love Greed and Envy!


*pulls myself together*
Moving on.
hmm.. my heros are all the classic actors. I'm an aspiring actress so of course i look to the best. will that time of Hollywood legends ever come back? Marilyn Monroe, Bette Davis, Marlon Brando,Cary Grant, Mae West, Elizabeth Taylor, Clark Gable, Greta Garbo, Sidney Poitier, Audrey Hephburn, Humphrey Bogart- those were the real actors.

not today's models with speaking parts.
My god the state of Hollywood is probably making them roll in their graves (With exception to the handsome Sidney).
CAN YOU BELIEVE LINDSAY LOHAN IS THE FUTURE OF PICTURES!?!?!? Seriously, that scares me. not to mention how cheapened and fake the stage has become.
With all the materialistic shit there is no more room for legends. Its not based on raw talent anymore, it's based on looks.
and five, ten years down the road, when your pretty shell is starting to wear down, where is that gonna leave all the hilary duffs, ashton kutchers, jimmy fallens, paris hiltons and the all the other shmoes in my era? Nowhere, that's where. Just like that old set of implants they're gonna be replaced by new better ones which are also gonna be replaced later when they too start to sag. Besides a few select actors and actresses of today; (johnny depp, alan rickman, maya rudolph, steve buschmei, yadda yadda) not to metion our old actors who are well past overdue (jack nicholson, Clint Eastwood, etc.) in a decade nobody is gonna know who the fuck these people are and why they should even care. I wanna change that. i just don't wanna act. i wanna be a legend just like them. don't you wanna see a change? dude, what is with all these anorexic broads?! Marilyn Monroe was a size 12 and one of the most beautiful women in the world. You're now considered fat if you're a size 4. sorry. time for a change. So lets raise our glasses to those stars who didn't even need to be in color to look damn good.

My Blog

Down Down Alice goes. Which is the way to Wonderland?

And so she followed the White Rabbit down the endless hole.Into a world so new and incoherent with what her reality perceived to be she felt out of place and out of sorts.Out of place and out of sorts...
Posted by Leilani on Thu, 08 May 2008 10:32:00 PST

I Don’t Like January Much, Pepino

A Year ago today, Pepino, was the last day of my life. It ended the next day. I wouldn't get it back until mid-March.I'm not that same person anymore, I know. But I was so scared.5 days from...
Posted by Leilani on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 07:54:00 PST

And Here’s That Poem

  Meleena brought down a book to Chiapas as a gift to Lenin.It's a very old weathered down book (always the best) that she found in Tata Joe's bookshelf.Haha, so I'm imagining with "Nana's Boutiq...
Posted by Leilani on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:15:00 PST

Contemplations in Tropical Humidity. In it? Or Caused by It?

A little over 12 hours ago I was terrified.I have never felt more fear in my life than I absolutely felt then, I was sure of it.I've never felt such tremors, I thought for sure I would vomit my inside...
Posted by Leilani on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 11:46:00 PST

The Second Wind: The Wind From Below

An excerpt from "A Storm and a Prophecy- Chiapas: The Southeast in Two Winds"Section Four, Chapter Six of Our Word is Our Weapon by Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos.      &nb...
Posted by Leilani on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 02:42:00 PST

A Desperate Plee of Desperation

  This is home?It just feels weird to be back 'home'. But it's so apparent I'm back, I'm here. It screams it.In this country. This country that only seems to specialize in the careful act of maki...
Posted by Leilani on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 01:00:00 PST

The Itinerary

To Leave: Thursday December 20, 2007Aviacsa 481 Ciudad Juarez Intl Abraham Gonzalez (CJS)to Monterrey Gen Mariano Escobedo (MTY) Departure (CJS): 12/20/07, 4:35PMArrival (MTY): 12/20/07, 7:15PM Monte...
Posted by Leilani on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:42:00 PST

To blog or not to blog?

Well.That really isn't the question because I've already gone through this with Meleena and we already agreed on the outcome.  that yes. I am going to blog. I am going to write in this virtual jo...
Posted by Leilani on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 01:24:00 PST

Border People’s Conference this weekend!!

Saludos a todos!Please help us out and spread the word to all of the folks you know-- considering how the government is coming down on the poor folks down there, we're going to need all of the support...
Posted by Leilani on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 08:34:00 PST

Racism Poem

I see such a despicable line cleverly hidden by a false sense of security, artificial calmness, ignorance, and just plain denial. This country sees things in black and white- an indistinguishable lin...
Posted by Leilani on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 12:38:00 PST