V profile picture


i can do u favours but then you'll do whatever i like ;) ♥

About Me

♥ ♥ hello I'm Verity....I'm mum to Caeden who is 2.....I'm a singer(thats me singing on my profile track.)in a very new, (as yet) unnamed band......I started training as a nurse last year but it wasnt for me! so I'm looking to go back to work again soon but its hard to find a job that fits round childcare. I LOVE music (see music section lol!)I am going out with Karl who is fit, plays drums (in my band and a band called Flawed, check em out) makes me laugh and is kind to me and Caeden. I also have a very fat tabby cat called Kitty (caeden named him, except he usually calls him Tikky coz he cant say Kitty), we really want a dog but my landlord doesnt allow them :( I love fashion but I'm more primark than prada!! lol. I LOVE going out but like any single parent nights out are few and far between coz babysitters dont grow on trees! and I miss Caeden when I go out too much. lol. I have a fab group of girlfriends who I love very much. I do pilates, swimming and I'm having pole dancing lessons at the moment which I LOVE and I am rather amazing at it hee hee (which isnt as dodgy as it sounds, we do it in gym wear and no men are allowed in LOL!!) I want to leave england one day because I dont like it (in general not just the weather!).errrrmmmmmm what else can I say.... ....I have parenting stresses, money and car hassles and do boring things like cleaning and shopping most days, I'm generally miss average, I'm easy to get on with, a good laugh and I try to be a nice person most of the timeanyway thats about it really. ♥ ♥

My Interests

Fashion, beauty, driving fast cars in general lol, being driven in fast cars, car shows (oh u get the picture I like cars!) music, hanging out with my friends, partying, gigging, road tripping, going out, watching films, snoozing, reading cool stuff, pilates, swimming, arguing, neon pink nail varnish, black eyeliner, JD and coke, meeting cool new people, being wined n dined ;) singing, struttin ma stuff on the dancefloor of mosh or fan club, laughing, jammin with the band, learning to play bass guitar

I'd like to meet:

NO RANDOMS!!!!!!! again I get far too many random add requests from dodgy looking men and pervy messages. I AM NOT SINGLE and have heard it all before so don't even bother.


QOTSA,Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Wolfmother, Soundgarden, Velvet Revolver, Fu Manchu, AC/DC, The Answer, The Black Keys, Alice In Chains, Tool, Black Sabbath, Motley Crue, Free, The Who, Van Halen, Janis Joplin, Hellacopters, Prodigy, Machine Head, Anthrax, Love/Hate, Bullet for My Valentine, Kyuss, Hanoi Rocks, Black Crowes, Faith No More, Bon Jovi, Guns n Roses, Stone Temple Pilots, Aerosmith, Cream, Faith No More, The Donnas, Foo Fighters ... ... ... I also like my 80's stuff :)


I love films and Yeah I know I have trashy, uneducated taste in them but I don't give a fuck! LOL.My favourite films...in no particular order !!!Almost Famous, Dirty Dancing, Pulp Fiction, Billy Madison, Little Nicky, Anchorman, The Goonies, Finding Nemo, the Harry Potter films, Mean Girls, Talladega Nights, American Pie, Don't Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead, Bridget Jones Diary...


I have better things to do ;)


I'm a total geek and read loads. Usually in the bath. haha.

My Blog

awesome guitarist needed.....

hello everyone, yay, I have band members now :D .....we have bass, vocals (meeee) and drums......but we are looking for a guitarist (leicester based) must be ABLE TO PLAY (lol - believe it o...
Posted by V on Tue, 13 May 2008 06:38:00 PST

I’m looking for a new band!!

well I wasn't sure whether to post a bulletin, a blog or post an ad on pineapster about this so I think I will do all three!!! as the title suggests I am looking for a new band!! my last 2 bands have ...
Posted by V on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 03:51:00 PST

not posted a blog for a while...

....so thought i would post one while i have a few spare minutes!!! well the last 2 months have been very hectic and eventful - the longest relationship I have ever had came to an end in January. I wo...
Posted by V on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 04:31:00 PST

A Verity Rant

Posted by V on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 03:38:00 PST

horrible ex-boyfriend

when I was at school I went out with this guy on and off for about a year between the ages of 15 and 16. he was much older (almost 10 years) and messed with my head constantly by sleeping with other w...
Posted by V on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 03:35:00 PST


Now I got your attention, fill this out for me in in the comments box, you know i'd do it for you, he he! 1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. Wha...
Posted by V on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 12:50:00 PST

Flaming Aces lyrics ........ Ex Rated

for all of you that were so eager to know what my lyrics were ..... I wrote these lyrics almost 10 years ago believe it or not, they started off as an angry rant / poem type thing in one of my t...
Posted by V on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 06:30:00 PST

Girls Night Out....

LOL last night was cool .... it was sooooo cool to go out with the girls - I hadn't been out on a proper girls night out for ages (since August last year to be precise) far too long, definitely have ...
Posted by V on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 05:07:00 PST

I am so angry and disillusioned

I recently won a place to study nursing at uni, something I have always wanted to do. However, recently it is looking like I may not be able to take up my place, at least not until Caeden starts schoo...
Posted by V on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 07:01:00 PST

I may be a mum now, but I am still the same Verity....

.....so please don't treat me any differently. Since having Caeden I have noticed that a few people I used to be close to have drifted away from me. Invitations out have dried up and stopped and ...
Posted by V on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 03:06:00 PST