THEY SAY YOU CAN TELL EXACTLY WHAT A PERSON IS THINKING JUST BY LOOKING INTO THE VIBE OF THEIR EYES....CAN YOU FEEL MY VIBE?I love my Car, I drive a BMW 3 series and love flyin down tha road!I love dominating a club dance scene and keeping up with my US Weelkly and InTouch magazinesAnd surfing in Hawaii and Costa Rica.
I'd like to meet Tyrese but he wouldn't even have to say a word to fullfill my needs. Britney is classic and although she is in a white trash "slump" im confident she can regain her dignity. And Janice Dickinson has been through everything and just wont die! lol and is nothing but fuckin fabulous. MyGen Profile GeneratorI TOLD YA'LL 2 YEARS AGO THAT BRITNEY SPEARS WOULD COME BACK AND WHAT NOW! O IM LOVING IT, ITS TIME TO DANCE MY ASS OFF YET AGAIN!
If you can bond with me on a mental level nothing else matters. So the question is...JOJO'S NEW ALBUM "THE HIGH ROAD" IS FIRE! BUY IT ITS AMAZING, EVERY SONG COULD BE A SINGLE!Music Video: WE NEED A RESOLUTION (by Aaliyah)
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*BaBy BoY**CrAsH**Tomb Raider Series*
Desperate Housewives is awesome. America's Next Top Model minus overdramatic Tyra.
Blah haven't read any good books lately, except Angelina Jolie's Published journals of her work throughout the world, i would much rather drive than read.