I'm kinda like the Rev. Al Sharpton in a queen cover band
Your 80s Heartthrob Is
Bill Gates
Who's Your 80's Heartthrob?
strangers with candy, tap dancing, synchronized swimming, oprah's vajayjay
The Fonze, The Dude,
Bill Withers, Barry White, Prince, Stevie Wonder, The Clash, MJ, Miss Jackson if you're nasty.
poorly dubbed Kung Fu movies
The Girls next door
Naughty biographies, anything on communism or vampires, Lolita, Angela's Ashes, Night, Devil in the White City, The life of Pi, Splinter Factory, Son of the Revolution, Angela's Ashes, Crime and Punishment, America, Anything by Poe, Neruda, Allen Ginsberg, The stranger, somewhere a past, The great Gatsby, Continental Aesthetics, Diplomacy, The impossible will take a while, The Dadaist manifesto,
Jackie O., Mama Bell, Sally Featherkile, Kate Hart! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa1VsjMcKOI