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im audrey
de colorado
and i like pineapples but they hurt
are u ready for the revolution?
defining Audrey
"a revolutionist who was born in Michigan then later came to Colorado. She currently is producing impeccable paintings that can be viewed on her deviant art. She aspires to be a famous artist touring the world and picking up as many languages as she goes. She has been recovering from a frosting addiction by replacing it with a cronic music downloading habbit."
-from joe
"Audrey was born a genetically engineered super-human, but was raised with normal human beings and never told about her past. Now, powers are blossoming in the pains of her late teenage years... Audrey. The genitcally engineered superhuman."
-from niki
"Audrey is much like an artistic pigeon. If you poke it, you will flatter it, then die. Whatever may be considered a "final touchdown" is what is considered a "football game." That does not describe Audrey one bit. One thing that Audrey loves to do is draw. There is only one thing that describes her artwork: Pudding. Think about it... There is no connection whatsoever. So the more you think about it, the more it will make less sense to you. Audrey has a fantastic sense of humor, is mellow and cool to be around, and has the artistic skill of an acrobat, only she draws. She probably does even more, but all I know is she draws. It's no wonder why everybody loves this piece of work. God didn't just draw her- He spent weeks on a blueprint, only outlining a surface of deeper mystery and bewilderment. To describe her in one word I would say: Poolitonformitchlalaboom.
Yes, I am aware that isn't a word."
-from brian
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