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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Sawadee Krub.. Hi...i'M zOey....i'm 22.. i wAs bOrn on jan. the 3rd.1985.. i'm an interior designer.. 4th frOm 5... siMplE.. aNd cAsUal is mY stYle ....I am a StraTinG hos aNd an adVaNcE frUitylOopS 4 uSEr anD ..mY hoBBies are ..tAKinG PictURes, ..tRaveLinG, shOpPing.., swiMMing.., ..i lOVe aniMals. i have a cAt [boboy]. n an iguana [ogie]. .. Love KiDs..EaTiNg..sLeePiNg..sLeePiNg....On9.. ShOpPiNg..hAng-OuT.. sLeePiNg...tAKing PictURe,.. tALk On ThE pHoNe.. ... phOtoShOots... I loVe cAmeRas.... cLoThEs..sLeePiNg..SmS peOpLe..oN9...tAKE PictURe,... wAsTiNg mY CrEdIt SmSiNg PeOpLe..tAke piCTUre ..sLeePiNg.. DeCoRaTiNg ..On9 ...cHaNgiNg My PhOnE...gO To cAstiNg,ShoOting, fOtOgrAfi!!..~...sLeePiNG.. DreaMiNg..ZzZzZzZz kaH kAh Kah...+ i Am a fRenDly And hElpfUlL craZy dude.......i want to know more true FRIEND.. friEnd.. fRiEnD. n FriEnd... likE YoU... Bla....bLa....BLa..iM StraiGhT! nO sUcH cOrneR coRnEr yA!
add me -- [email protected]
hi guys!, sorry sebab tak dapat nak reply comment dan mail anda semua di atas kesibukan zoey,insyallah zoey akan bagi tahu perkembangan terbaru zoey di zoey fc, dan di harap anda semua faham dan terus menyokong zoey.love u all!

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