La capacidad creativa en el ser humano es inherente a sus sentimientos, generados por la emotividad de las circunstancias que nos trae la vida diaria; de estas experiencias nacen los primeros pasos de ARGALS, en donde se encuentran valores, sentimientos y la busqueda de composiciones que lleguen a lo profundo del ser humano.El grupo ha generado una familiaridad a su interior, siendo muchas veces mas que musicos e interpretes: amigos, hermanos y confidentes, esta union ha permitido ir generando una identidad en nuestras canciones de lo cual nuestro mas sincero deseo es que todos hagamos parte de esta gran familia llamada ARGALS.
ARGALS quiere agradecer a todas las personas que hicieron parte de la produccion de nuestro demo "Opening My Soul"
Ante todo a DIOS por hacer de esta experiencia algo unico en nuestras vidas
A nuestro Ingeniero de Sonido
A nuestro Disenador Grafico
A nuestro Jefe de Prensa
A nuestras Familias, a nuestros amigos y amigas que han apoyado este proyecto desde sus inicios, y el AGRADECIMIENTO mas importante a todo nuestro PUBLICO, que nos ha apoyado incondicionalmente en cada una de nuestras presentaciones, que con su gran aplauso nos reconforta y nos llena de gratitud y compromiso para con ELLOS.
English Version: The appreciation that provides the experience through years of listening to music and the bases to ARGALS have been made up from some musical genders (heavy metal, Neo classic heavy and progressive). These genders have been taken as overview to develop our own ideas.As human beings, the creative ability is inherent with our feelings and they are generated for the daily life circumstances. From those experiences ARGALS.. first steps were born. There are values and feelings which help us to make compositions that reach deep inside human beings.The band has generated a brotherhood inside, being more than musicians and performers, human beings, friends, brothers and confidants. This union has created an identity in our songs and our biggest and most sincere wish is that all we can get together and join the greatest family in the world called ARGALS.ARGALS thanks all the people who took part in the recording of our demo ..opening my soul..Especially God, because he has made from this experience something great.To our sound engineer, Hugo Jimenez
To our graphic designer, Juan Francisco Lopez
To our Press Boss, Alejandro Barbosa
To some people.To our families and friends because they have supported us in this project since the beginning. And the most important gratitude to our public, because you have leant us faithfully in our performances alive. With your applauses you comfort and full us with gratitude to keep on working for you.