label // live // dj // visuels // ciné-concerts // workshops // multi-diffusion
installations // interactivité // partage // projets // organisation // découvertes
Neurosystem développe sa propre identité artistique et vise une approche élargie de la musique électronique : des ambiances électroacoustiques ou expérimentales aux sessions electronica, electro-techno, acid, pop, noise, mais en expérimentant toujours les registres du plaisir et de l'émotion.
Neurosystem is an organisation dedicated to the promotion and production of sound and visual artworks.Having established itself as an independent group of electronic music producers/composers, Neurosystem is also promoting the convergence of visual and sonic creative practices. Amidst our ranks can be found a wide range of skills, from musicians, dj's, graphic designers, plastic/video/new media artists. Neurosystem objectives can be divided into three areas:The organisation is an independent label: artists benefit from electronic distribution formats (such as CDR/mp3/web streaming) and opportunities to present their work in a public context (such as live performances/events).Neurosystem hosts events and invites external artists from outside the organisation to present their work in various venues: radio, Internet, clubs, museums, theaters, bars, restaurants, warehouses... Neurosystem events have previously been held in Bordeaux (Fr), Pau (Fr), Poitiers (Fr), Montpellier (Fr), Strasbourg (Fr), Sheffield (UK), Brussels (Bel).Neurosystem is also present on the World Wide Web. This website enables the organisation to promote its activities. It also enables people to listen to monthly updated music, look at our visual archives, share sounds and visuals (via FTP), and keep up to date with public events and audio/video projects.