Clarence C Joseph was born and raise in the U.S Virgin Islands, St. Croix for about 17 years, with six brothers and one sister. Had a house at one time growing up with all his family but his own Grandmother threw them out on the street because she wanted to get back at Clarence Grandfather who married her on her death bed. So in the result to that Clarence had to live in a shack with all his brothers, walk the streets barefoot and sold fruits like mango and ken up and lemons to get school clothes. All he had was his boxing and music career and YAH, did not believe in YAHOSHUA at the time. Left St.croix and came to New York City and finish high school and join the military in 2001 in pursuit of his boxing career. All this time he was doing music and boxing for the wrong reasons. Got out the military and then one day YAH told him while in New York City to pick up the SCRIPTURES and read it before you can talk about it. When he pick up the bible and read the whole truth it came to him that he was living wrong and not righteous and most important he did not have YAHOSHUA. After YAH talked to him Clarence left New York City and drove all the way to Colorado springs and then on the high way the devil was trying to take him out but by the grace of YAHUWEH he did not stray. He came to the springs and immediately Married his Wife Denesia and was happy to know that he is in church praising YAH and most important accepting YAHOSHUA and savior of his life. Clarence is about 24 years old, have a daughter name phylicia who is 3 years old and got save when he was 23 years old, he is a babe in Christ still seeking more wisdom and understanding of what YAH wants him to do.
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