Palmer profile picture


My only knowledge is the fact of my ignorance.

About Me


My Interests

Music, Literature, Philosophy, DJ/mixing, Cooking, Humour, Writing, Psychology, Computer Games, Science Fiction, Irony, Pirates, Films, Films with pirates in them.

I'd like to meet:

Ren and Stimpy. Gary McKinnon.


All sorts. Breakbeats on the decks. But other than that Metal, Techno, Electro, Hip-hop, Folk, Bluegrass....the list goes on.


Samurai Films, Horror, Sci-fi and all the good shit. Anything original with a low cheese content.
You are Yoda Yoda 77% R2-D2 74% Qui-Gon Jinn 70% Obi-Wan Kenobi 69% Chewbacca 68% Lando Calrissian 61% Han Solo 61% Mace Windu 60% Luke Skywalker 60% Padme 59% Wise and all knowing you are…yes.
Tall, dark, and handsome?
Not so much I'd say.
(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)
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Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Sopranos, The Maxx, Samurai Jack, Animation, Comedy. Which Mighty Boosh Character Are You?
You are Howard TJ Moon!You are the chief zookeeper at the zoo. You are wise, cynical, and an expert in calming down llamas. Don't lose the ju ju.
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Anything. A lot of sci-fi and philosophy.


Dunno. Socrates? He was a good lad.

My Blog


Today I ate some cheese and masturbated to pictures of polar bears. Then I went into the garden and banged my head against a piece of corrugated iron for an hour or so. It hurt.
Posted by Palmer on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:42:00 PST