Girls, Friends, Music, Musical Instruments, Drugs, Hiking, Snow, Rainy Days, Oceans, Lakes, Mountains, Geography, Maps, Animals, Hats, and Relaxing.
Most of the people i wish to meet are dead. I really want to meet Misery Signals and Hopesfall. Their music inspires me so much!
Misery Signals, Hopesfall, Living Sacrifice, Zao, The Network, Poison The Well, Evergreen Terrace, Chimaira, Vision Of Disorder, Killswitch Engage, Napalm Death, Death, Blood Has Been Shed, All That Remains, Apiary, The Handshake Murders, Spitfire, Knife The Glitter, Nothingface, Of The Broken, Of A New Blood, None Meek, The Esoteric, Between The Buried And Me, Glass Casket and so many more!
The Halloween series, Misery, The Friday The 13th series, Signs, The Village, The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Lady In The Water, Jaws, Jaws 2, Happiness, Storytelling, Donnie Darko, The Guardian, The Patriot, Seven, Monster House, Vacancy, Apocalypto, The Puppet Master series, Alpha Dog, The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemtion, Fargo, Grandma's Boy, The 40 Year Old Virgin, The Hitcher, Wolf Creek, Hostel, Deliverance, Maniac, Peewee's Big Adventure, Big Top Peewee, Turistas, The Descent, The Wicker Man, An American Haunting and so many more!
Don't like Television!
how to clean up a shart at a buisness meeting for dummies,ultimate gardening,blacken yo bitches eye,how to overcome your fear of wood screws,my moms cookbook, how to emmulate hitler, the entry level coast gaurd rescue swimming guide, and a map to delaware.
sheri moon, elizabeth hurley, kate hudson, jennifer aniston, ashley judd, emily blunt, mila kunis, and other hot bitches!