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-rob A-

I am here for Friends

About Me

I love my job...Strong Bad Radio Advice

Add to My Profile | More Videosgrew up outside of DC, where i was a dork from an early age. was lucky enough to be in a band with my best friends, and see much of the US. moderate, and awkward creature of habit, who is hopelessly addicted to pool, galaga and ms. pac-man (but only the really fast kind. you know, the one where you actually break a sweat running away from the little ghosts?). MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

snowboarding, camping, hiking and biking. making jokes, music, and cookies.

I'd like to meet:

mr. yuk, mr. turtle, mr. owl, the stay puft marshmallow man, one-eyed willie, dr. claw, danger mouse and the voice guy that does all the "...in a world" stuff for movie trailers.AIM robthebean


the faint, le tigre, dismemberment plan, tuscadero, pixies, the muffs, jawbox, ash, bratmobile, alkaline trio, fountains of wayne, bis, weezer, built to spill, death cab, knapsack, stapleton, metric, tegan&sara, john henry vs. the machine, shortround, dysnomia, the beans, the Others, ...anything with big guitars, sweet harmonies and some keys.


hard days night, indiana jones, rejected, rocky horror, office space, bachelor party, charlton heston's horrific spanish in 'touch of evil', the professional, creature comforts, pi, requiem, the problem with fiber optics, the year without santa & rudolf's shiny new year, ...anything cheesy from the 80's


what i like: daily show, invader zim, family guy, and the clerks cartoon (when it was on) what i hate: those shows about rich kids who do nothing but buy stuff, bitch, and have panic attacks.


danger mouse