Wild Thing profile picture

Wild Thing

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

The above is a magazine article about my husband. You can
click on it to see the work he has done.

Nick served in the US Navy, some of his time was spent on the the USS Kula Gulf.
We have a dog, Sebastian and a kitty named Missy.
There is not a single day that goes by I do not think about our military and appreciate what they have given to me in my Freedom, Liberty and Peace. God bless our troops! Thank you to each one of you with all my heart.
I guess the only thing to add is that everything I do,I do to the fullest. There just is no half way with me about anything. When I care I care passionately and deeply, loyalty is huge on my list of what is important to me in what I offer in relationships with friends and hope find it in return.
I am a Republican, hate Flag burners, will NOT have anything to do with people that do not support our military and I am pro Israel, I am a Zionist. Also I am pro the IDF as they fight the terrorists we have been fighting and they have been doing it for many more years.
I am a Southpark Republican and I think in humor that show has done some amazing things speaking out on some much needed topic's that needed to be said.
My friends and I each in our own way as I think of women we are warriors. We are strong in our beliefs, we stand by our convictions of how we think things should be and at the same time we stay feminine. NO not feminists, this to me is much more then that. It is much more positive then what feminists stand for. I am blessed to be in these warriors…..these friends presence, whether online...or in person.

Please click photo above
to visit my

Tribute to our Vietnam Veteran's page
at my website. Where I share with
you about my travels with Bob Hope.

There is not a single day that goes by I do not think about our military and appreciate what they have given to me in my Freedom, Liberty and Peace. God bless our troops! Thank you to each one of you with all my heart.
"Freedom! No Word Was Ever Spoken
That Held Out Greater Hope,
Demanded Greater Sacrifice,
Needed More To Be Nurtured,
Blessed More The Giver,
Cursed More Its Destroyer,
Or Came Closer To Being
God's Will On Earth.
And I Think That’s Worth Fighting For."
General Omar Bradley

Please click the graphic above
to visit my Blog

Click image above to see my personal page
from my career as a model, actress, and

Hef and I at the Playboy Mansion.
Hef and I at one of the parties he gives at the Playboy Mansion

My Interests

Supporting our military, politics ( I am a political junkie), my blog, my friends,writing, working out. And the most important of anything would be the time I spend with my husband and our animals.

To ALL our Veterans and Troops returning home.....Welcome Home! And thank you!

I am retired from my 30 plus years in my career as a model,actress and entertainer. It was wonderful to be able have a career and be creative. Now I am also enjoying working from my home with health care products for the home and personal use. They are great for people that want a toxic free home for their families.

MY Favorite Sports Teams

These are some of my Teddy bear collection. I dress them in antique dresses and of course they are sitting in the photo having their afternoon tea time.

At my Blog I support our Military 100%, we talk about the terroroists, and politics and also have fun while we are sharing information.

I spend a lot of time on my blog so if I am not here at My Space you probably will find me at my blog.....Please click on the Image Theodore's World to go to my blog.

I'd like to meet:

Because I have traveled so much in my life, and have met so many people in all walks of life. My past career brought me in contact with so many people that perhaps other professions would not had that tremendous opportunity to do so. I met Heads of State, the Queen of England (when we were filming in Quebec), politicians, actors that are well known, musicians and athletes etc.I would love to meet more Veterans and more of our troops today. So I can thank them in person. And I would love to meet more of my friends in the Cotillion group I belong to. They are the friends I was telling you about. And I have been able to meet a few of them, but to meet more of them in person would be awesome. For me this would mean more to me then all the others I mentioned.

Thank you for visting my MySpace


OMG I love music. I think it is the only universal language.
I think the only humans on earth that would not like music would be the terrorists, I doubt they like anything, they are only filled with hate and destruction and have no time for good music.

There is no way I could list everything I like so I guess just know this, that I love all music. No I am not including rap in that because who the hell needs to be able to sing to do rap.

Later on I will put the names of some of my favorites like Andrea Bocelli(anything he does), Meatloaf (I won't do that),
Gnarls Barkley-( Crazy ),


I love a lot of the old classics and for modern films it would be action films, spy thrillers and 'who done it's'. hahaI also love the oldies, the classics. They are awesome, even the ones shot in black and white.


My latest favorites are: NCIS, The Unit, 24, Southpark, Boston Legal, CSI (all of them), Dexter, and Sleeper Cell. I love Law and Order too except they always try to make deals to get the bad guys off. OH wait that is just like real life, how they do that all the time. It makes me furious, but I do love the show.
History Channel is a favorite of mine as well.



Our military (Veterans and active duty), my husband and my Father. My Father has passed away but he will always be one of my Heroes.

This is Hank........

This was taken during the Bob Hope show, DaNang 1971. These men are my Heroes!

To our awesome Veterans and our troops today.

When it comes to the terrorists I would prefer not to take too many as prisoners. They worship death and I think we should deliver them to their death as soon as possible.

To our troops today and to our Veterans, Welcome Home.