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Les jours se suivent et ne se ressemblent pas (There's no telling what tmr will bring...)

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            LyricsThis is the hardest part to fill out. All I can say is that, I'm still searching for myself. You can't disagree with me that life is a journey of self-discovery. You may feel that you have matured alot as at today. But who knows what tommorrow may bring? Don't you think that it is possible for tommrrow to open up a whole new experience for you? Would you even expect that tommorrow is the day that will change your life forever?Do you look forward to tommorrow or dread the feeling of uncertainty?Do you love life or fear it?Which is better? To live life to the fullest or be a coward? Life is a challenge. C'mon people! LIVE IT BEAUTIFULLY!Don't get me wrong. I'm not being an idealist. I'm in fact your typical girl-next-door. Being down-to-earth doesn't mean that you have to throw beautiful dreams out of the window. It doesn't stop you from reaching out for your goals.To me, living life to the fullest is to fulfil my personal goals (which I shan't dwell on, too much here). And one more very important thing! And that is, to be able to travel around the world =)La vita e bella! (Life is Beautiful)
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My Interests

Books, Foreign/ International Films, Community work, Fashion (I adore pretty shoes and jackets), Arts & Craft (Printmaking in particular) and Travel...I hope to find more interests as life moves along.

I'd like to meet:

All the beautiful people out there and actually, anyone who considers themselves as a cosmopolite ;)C'est la vie!.. MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds


Jazz, New Age, Waltz and all sorts of ballroom dance music.


Phantom of the Opera, Rosenstrasse, Les Miserables, La Vita E Bella, Joyeux Noel, Les Choristes, Yesterday, No Man's Land, Too many to list actually!


This is a good one! I don't watch TV... I am serious. Dead serious...


Wall Street History/ Think & Grow Rich (I'm not really into self-help stuff. But this book really set me thinking, not only in terms of wealth, but also in spirit.)/ Wild Swans/ A-Z Art/ City of Falling Angels//// etc...And not forgetting to give credits to lotsa great websites that churns out amazing articles!


Heroes? Sorry, I don't mean to take offence. But Heroes, to me, are just "man-made-larger-than-life-figures".In reality, I find, they are just ordinary folks like you and me, searching for the basic things like love, peace and happiness.You don't have to agree but don't shot me for that.

Beware! I turn into a Little Devil when you try to cross me by testing my limits. I shall not hesistate to rip you apart if you do! And REMEMBER, keep your hands off my pictures! You can never imagine what hell is gonna be like if you wanna try!

My Blog


I was in Perth City yesterday. I love the skyscrapers and the peculiar charm of the hustle and bustle... all only present in a decent city, not a country town, or a regional city. Just a REAL city!As ...
Posted by Felicia on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 08:21:00 PST

Life is a Bitch

I had an early start this morning. I was up and on my desktop checking my mails by 9.30am. When I got to my Friendster mail, I received a shocking piece of news. One of my high school classmate passed...
Posted by Felicia on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 06:38:00 PST

I'm crazy over sexy heels again!

I've been bored all day. The current situtation I'm in is driving me crazy. Hopefully I'll be able to fly back to Singapore and Malaysia for a getaway as soon as possible. I JUST HAVE TO shop for a ...
Posted by Felicia on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 05:39:00 PST

Extravagant Shoes

                          I found two extravagant shoe designs by Stuart Weitzman... Don't you wish you were Cinderella?Woven with platinum thread and made with 600 over rubies, one wouldn't be surpri...
Posted by Felicia on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 09:52:00 PST