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New, Improved & Better Tasting!

About Me

Generally speaking: I drink Pepsi...I'm a DJ and a gym rat...I have a cat named Killer...I'm left-handed... My favorite food is shrimp because I couldn't eat lobster 7 days a week... I love going to the drive-in movies... Currently, my favorite shot is from a .38 special...I watch sports and holler like an idiot for my Vols ... The last book I read was a manual on how-to hook up my HDTV. It sucked! I should've bought the Cliff notes...I don't smoke and I hate tomatoes and boiled eggs...I love lamp...I drink a lot of skim milk...I march to the beat of my own drum...
I once made a 100 in a college class I never attended... I hate making my bed...I love animals...My first tape was Michael Jackson's Thriller...My left arm doesn't bend all the way behind my back...When I was ten I met Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island...I believe the Atlanta Braves will win the World Series.... I wear mismatched socks (all the time)...I pay bums to do push-ups...I'm a non-practicing agnostic....My current favorite word is abseil...I can curl my tongue...I want to buy a house in September.
I hate yardwork...I have a lot of weird, southern sayings...People like to quote me...I once came in my shoe...I know a little Spanish...I shop at Target....I still party like a rock star...I'm a great speller but a horrible typist....My favorite time of the day is 10:07...I once dressed up as a banana at a club...
If I were a fruit, I'd probably be a strawberry but today I feel like an banana with peanut butter topping... I aspire to be a ninja....I do actually have all my teeth, a decent smile, and the hair on my head...I was thrown out of the Georgia Dome at a professional wrestling event... I look silly in a dress... I can bench press over 330 lbs...I've gone skinny dipping...I once wiped my hands on the dog...I love roller derby...I shot a man in Brooklyn just to watch him die...I want a motorcycle...

My Interests

Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.

I'd like to meet:

The Ultimate Warrior, Lester Burnham, Sun Tsiu, my great great great great great great grandfather, aliens, Joseph Smith, Moses, Ramses the Great, Nero, Julio Iglesias, Zaruthustra, Brick Tamland, George Peppard and John Wayne.

Who I don't want to meet:
Barry Bonds, Georgia Bulldog fans, Rhea Perlman, George Bush, Richard Simmons, Ann Coulter, the asshole who invented the fruitcake and Gilbert Godfrey.


Peak Hour Funky Disco House Music with a little electro




Lost, Heroes, Doctor Who, Braves baseball on TBS, FSN, or Fox


Children of Hurin, Tropic of Capricon


Spider-Man, Uncle Clyde, and Max the family Schnauser! The gay viking in the gold speedo I saw in Knoxville Sept. 3, 2006 & Gypsy the Beagle ( I Miss you girl!), Will Deckya

My Blog

More Random Shit & The State of Killers Nuts

Well Killer finally got his nuts snip-snipped yesterday. For some reason I jsut assued they'd cut the bag and balls off at once. I didn't realize he'd have an empty sack.When I arrived at the Catsnip ...
Posted by Sharc on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 11:57:00 PST

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

I was on tonight reading about NIck Hogan's car wreck when I heard what sounded like a crash and broken glass alon with splintering wood. My first thought was someone was vandalizing cars outs...
Posted by Sharc on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:15:00 PST

Under Contract!

I submitted a contract to purchase a loft in the Deer Lofts yesterday. They countered this morning and we counter-countered and I am now under contract!It's a sweet place. I'm nervous and excited! Now...
Posted by Sharc on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 12:51:00 PST

Compensating for those 4k calories

Yesterday I ate like a lard ass. I had no self-control and I ate the worst foods possible. For breakfast I opened with a sausage, cheese biscuit and a bacon and cheese on toast, with a Gatorade. (appr...
Posted by Sharc on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:09:00 PST

Summer Cold

I have a summer cold. I must've got it Sunday night in my skimpy ass outfit and sweatiness but yeah, I have a cold. My sinuses are draining, my nose is stopped up and my voice sounds gravelly. The Sud...
Posted by Sharc on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 11:53:00 PST

Ten Things I Want To Do This Year

I've been bored and introspective today so here are ten things I want to do this year, in no specific order: They aren't resolutions, just wants, some simple, some not-so-simple1. Build a furry mascot...
Posted by Sharc on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 10:40:00 PST

Gone Fishing

Pete led a good life. At the age of 88, he knew his days were short and few and he had made his peace. He was ready. The cancer had waged a war with him since he was in his early sixties and he'd won ...
Posted by Sharc on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 04:11:00 PST

The Karmic Balance Within My Life

I think there's only so much my life can take in either direction. It seems that just as soon as one end is tied up and good, another end unravels and I spend the next few months chasing that end and ...
Posted by Sharc on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 01:47:00 PST

Roller Derby - Aug. 5 - 2006

..>  2007 Atlanta Rollergirls  CHAMPIONSHIP GAME  August 5, 2007 Sake Tuyas  vs. Toxic Shocks  @ All-American Skating Center (map)   If you missed the game July 8, you&...
Posted by Sharc on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 02:33:00 PST

Sore from Practice:My Thoughts on Roller Derby

I'm sore as hell today from roller derby practice last night. It was my first night scrimmaging.   It's a lot like being sore from a heavy weight lifting session but most of the soreness is ...
Posted by Sharc on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:21:00 PST