Homerecording.be is thé Belgian / Dutch resource for DIY-recording musicians and producers. It contains technical information about (home)recording, a growing forum (over 2000 members) discussing all DIY audio production issues and a number of informative subsections. Its community has recently finished a first community-grown release: a compilation cd "from bedroom to headroom" containing 18 fresh tracks of artists who are active on the website.
This limited edition cd comes with a jewel-case and an 8 page full-color booklet.
Here's a set of 4 songs from the cd (check the compilation pages for all background information and to order this first homerecording.be release):
More fragments of from bedroom to headroom:
Moonghoya When I Say Goodbye (Song for E.) yapiyapo
Tumbler Ever Since Pixie
Sanktul Layer Cranial Maggot faderbug
For Greater Good Rush Hour Izzy
Contender #1 Computer Memories Contender
Machin Ghost Riding t03ma1
Hermax Birth At Dawn Hermax
Starsign Project number 1 JC
Novi O'Magum Enkel Spoor Noviomagum
Art Of Empathy Those Days art-of-empathy
State Of Empathy Time is the Enemy Ver1
Frozen Fish Java Man billybear
Alina A Drop Of Dew Alina
Undefined Eternal UnDeFiNeD _-RidDim-_
Stefsax Awel stefsax
Syanna Chaos Syanna
June11 600 Dolphins boekie1
Peter Marynissen No smoke! (only fire) PM-Studio-Project