Liberal ArtQuantom PhysicsHistorical IconsArchitects Of IdeasThe other things I have intrest for, people do not care about. Being what I am, I take notice to the small details of life. The stone that the builder refused. The glimmer on the surface of the ocean.
Stephen Hawking Or Albert Einstein. To tell you the truth, I wanna meet people who think outside of the box. People who challenge life, and not just place everything under a ignorant perspective that seems to suit them.
Muse.The Fugees.Music that brings life to the blind. I like all types of music. From Classical to Heavy Metal. Its not wierd, your just misunderstood.
I am a major, exrtremely big, film geek (mostly horror). I've seen too many movies for my own good. I believe movies are nothing more than stories told with pictures. A good movie, will change the way you think or look at something.
Lost24GantzLots of Anime. Even though lately I havent been able to watch much of it, my intrests stay mostly on horror and sci-fi.
A Brief History Of Time - Stephen HawkingWorld's Great Thinkers - Ernest R. TrattnerThe Handy Sicence Answer Book - NASAMythology - Edith HamiltonLoch - Paul ZindelUPCO'S Physical Setting Review - Frederick L. KirkThe list goes on. I read just as much as I watch movies, even more."How does one choose who gets to live or die?. Every weapon from the dawn of creation, has lacked such discrimination. And splitting the atom punishes both man and nature alike."
Spiderman - Because his life reminds me so much of my own.