I love Logic&Theory Shit that offends, Pretty Women Munster cheeeese, Art of all mediums... Tattoo's to Gallery art, pastery arts 3D Animation to Graffiti, Grapgic arts Photograpy to The Human physique, Body modification Biology to Skateboarding and Ohhhh! Anime who doesn't like Em'... Soo much to like!
Graffiti peoples... B~boys/B~girls Children of the 80's(Current leaders) People who aren't normal Filmmakers Photographers Designers Architects Compositeur CHEFS Programers Philosophers The Artsy Fartsy folk'(eh.. your ok too) Any one with common Interests ----- if your not that: THEN People with a personality So we could talk about shits people normaly woulden't talk about... at least someone that didn't come out of a copy/fax combo And if your too Danm stupid to encompass.. Then I am not talking not you.. hum!
I live to skip through a mosh pitNot in any order..Trance, MID's, Electro, Some Hip hop, Funk, Some Punk, I love METAL, Classic rock, Rock, Jazz, Bossa Nova, panang&chutney, panoroma some dancehall Ole'stylez reggae..
Horror(ZOMBIEEEs vampyres and Batz and Ghosts and MURDER, BLOODY MURDER), Foreign, Silence, Home made crap's, B-rated, Grindcore films, PORN!!(to giggle at) Movies you don't own!...I like abnormal filims like Umm...The princess and the warrior B.monkey Amieli Tank girl Donnie darko Fear and loathing in las vegas Bangkok haunted Nang nak clockwork orange The ninth gate Reservoir Dogs Face The eye The eye 2 The eye 10 Mirror mask Shutter
When its on.., Adult swim and the science and sometimes showtime! Tex avery cartoonz T.V. causes retardation! :3
books...?? A.rice books S.king books Twisted shit that just dont make no danm sence kinda books :P cookbooks of all kinds um.. cognitive science books oh and GO, juxtapose, ole' playboy...i love em' and comics books.. (yess) (I know they aren't books!) so what i still love em' How many times did i say book?
My Grandma-la' "I love her so"