WOMEN, MUSIC and most important OPRAH "she will be mine oh yes she will be mine" i also love cookies, cakes, pies, and pastries. social events, fun of any kind, doin the normal college thing, Also i have a great interest in all those who love themselves and respect others. div style="visibility:visible;"
I would like to meet a real independent woman who knows how to take care of herself as well as her man, she dont need her man for shit but she knows how to let the man be the man. Oh yea and PRINCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ERYKAH BADU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I MUST GIVE THE GREATEST SHOUT OUT TO THE LONG OVER DUE MUSIC LEGEND IN HER OWN TIME MY LOVE ERICA JACOB "SUGGAFOOT" SHE GOT ALL THIS MUSIC SHIT SOLD THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! AND IF YOU DON'T KNOW ASK YO MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND MY GIRL NDAMBIE IF YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT HER YOU BETTER FIND OUT SHE IS THE DAMN TRUTH, My Girl Jaye P, a my boy Dwane Joseph, Jeff Buckley,The Postal Service, Van Hunt, Pete Yorn, The Pixies, Lauryn Hill, Common, Lyfe, The Isely Brothers, Rufus, Chaka Khan, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Ella, Billie, Dinah, Lena, Nancy, JOY JONES "SHE GOT THAT OPERA THING SOLD UP", Ani Difranco, Kelly Clarkson, Nirvana, Fiona Apple, Aimee Mann, Fleetwood Mac, Jill Scott, Coldplay, Outkast THEM MY NIGGAS, Beyonce, The Game, P-Funk, Young Jezzy, Toni Braxton, Pattie-Pattie, Stivie Wonder, Will Downing, Marvin Gaye,Incubus, Maxwell, PJ Harvey,MAROON 5, Bob Marley, Janet Jackson, Micheal Jackson, Lil Kim, Floetry, Ashlee Simpson, JLow, Bjork, Prince, The Fugees, QUEEN LATIFAH I DON'T CARE THAT ALBUM IS THE SHIT Smashing Pumpkins, The Stills, AND I MUST GIVE THE BIGGEST SHOUT OUT TO MY GIRL MADONNA THE NEW ALBUM IS THE SHIT AND YOU ALL SHOULD HAVE IT. Tweet, The Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs, John Legend "EVERY NOW AND THEN", Eva Cassidy, The Gap Band, EWF, LUTHER VANDROSS! Barry White, Denyce Graves, Renee Fleming, Laura Claycomb AND I MUST GIVE A HUGE SHOUT TO MY BOY JOHN MAYER AND THE JOHN MAYER TRIO THOSE ARE MY DAMN BOYS, AND MY DOG PRINCE, and a whole hell of alot more nut i'm tired of typing!!!!!!!!!!YO I GOTTA GIVE MAD PROPS TO MY GIRL LYNDSAY ROSE SHE ON A WHOLE DIFRENT LEVEL THE WORLD AINT READY FOR BUT GUESS WHAT BITCHES YOU NEED TO GET READY CUZ SHE BOUT TO TAKE OVER "YO LYNDSAY YOU DOING YO THING I AM SO PROUD OF YOU AND I AM NOW THE PRESIDENT OF THE LYDSAY ROSE FAN CLUB' LOVE YO CRAZY ASS AND DONT FORGET THAT MA!!!!
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GOD, Jesus, My NANA, Well Hell and ME
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