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About Me

I'd like to think that I am different than a great number of people, as a matter of fact, I go to great lengths to prove that I am, but I think I am only aiming for self-satisfaction, not that I'll ever be entirely satisfied with myself, but at least there is something to strive for. Though, if I really was different in some sort of spectacular way, I'm sure it would have been recognized, and I would not be here writing this in my about me section, hopefully I'd be making things happen, or at least being admired for the fact that I had the power to make things happen, while I so selfishly squandered half my life away deciding what to do with that power. That sounds more like me. I'm a pretty selfish person, and jealousy enveloped too, but hey, we've all got our little setbacks. Though on the contrary, I think I'm moderately polite, and possess a flake of insight, which is more than I can say for half of the world. I guess I like to challenge myself, no, no, that's not correct, I make things challenging, I travel "the road not taken", as dear Robert Frost would say. Ah yes, that, thicket inlaid path, and in my bare feet no less! I seem to have given myself the notion that it'll make me stronger in the end, I guess we'll find out. I have been well endowed with the ability to observe, too bad I don't exercise that gift more often, but what is to be expected from a teenager? Though, I am not that ungrateful, I love art, literature, music, science, and the minds of others a whole lot. I'd like to see the Aurora Borealis someday, I seem to miss it every time it makes it's rounds. How I would adore seeing it's glittery ribbon-esque waves promenade through the night sky. I do admire glittery things for the record, especially things like Dorthy's shoes from The Wizard of Oz, and the way glittery blue, seems to make the blue that more richer and beautiful, than any flat blue could do. A nice emerald green is a feast for hungry eyes too. I also like the way that unfrozen, freeze pops look, I think they are fun. Any sort of colored light has my undivided attention as well. I get lost looking at these things. I feel like I can appreciate the wonders of small things like that, and not just express that I, in example, like polka dots, but not give any specific reason to why they are so wonderful. I guess that's why I like myself, because I have a reason for everything, and it's a decent one 80% of the time. Yes, I pride myself in that... ...I rock. If you have thought up to this point, that I must be pretty self-loathing, you were wrong, well at least sort of, I hate those qualities about myself that I hate, but I don't think that is unnaturally depressing. I actually like myself quite a great deal, it's everyone else that seems to rub me the wrong way, for whatever reason. I think my good qualities and bad qualities kind of cancel each other out, by the way, I never knew "each other" was two separate words, spell check (firefox) has proved me otherwise. I also enjoy a lot of smells, probably one of my favorite senses, I'm glad it is not so often that the elder lose their sense of smell, it is usually their site and hearing that goes, so I shall be lucky to hold onto my sense of smell for a while. I like the smell of coffee, though rarely the taste, as I have grown up smelling it every morning, my entire life. The smell of freshly mowed lawns, and the smell of pledge and/or wet naps. Roses are the most pleasant smelling flower ever (though sunflowers are my favorite looking, I shall hope to have a field of them someday) I also love the smell of apples, cinnamon, and pumpkin pie, and how it reminds me of autumn, every time I smell one of these, it makes me want to be a different person, it is too perplexing for me to explain... I should also like to try Dandelion wine someday.
Feel free to converse with me, there's obviously an abundance of information regarding myself, I'm not so plain and one layered, and I don't pretend to be for others, that may be some people, but that's not me.

My Interests

NOTICE: I implore you to message me before you add me, only because I'm sick of half naked women, spammers, fishers, and 40(+) year olds adding me, in addition, I want you to make yourself known to me, I don't like adding just to add, I'm not into that. So please, if you care about making my acquaintance, message me first, or I shall more than likely deny your request. Thanks!

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My Blog

An articulate deficiency.

I haven't written one of these in quite sometime, nor do I really want to put my feelings out there so much, but I'm bored, and it seems to me, a much better use of my time, then those surveys that ju...
Posted by Yoshimi on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 09:43:00 PST

Well you know the drill..

..> ..> Well here is a long list of photography, some (but not all) that I've taken in photography class this year, and towards the bottom, some childhood pictures that I scanned! And then after t...
Posted by Yoshimi on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 09:12:00 PST

Very long, very thoughtful: A response to life.

 So, I'm graduating tomorrow. Facinating how time progresses almost over night. I figure now is as good ever to put things into perspective.  I'm never returning to highschool, and I am som...
Posted by Yoshimi on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:11:00 PST

Art Again!

  "Brain Storming" ^ My first  full picture on Adobe Illustrator! (Besides the stuff that I do at work, which is a lot less.... creative, if you will)...
Posted by Yoshimi on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 05:56:00 PST

More Art!

It's been a long time, but I have quite a bit, Some of them are really blurry though, I think I need a new camera! But Enjoy, and leave some comments! :]   ^ Bike Drawing for RISD ^ Acrylic pai...
Posted by Yoshimi on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 10:10:00 PST

process analysis essay, kind of humorous.

  "how to procrastinate"... by me. It's the absent minded student you see, sitting in the third row, fourth desk. Staring blankly off into space, with his or her head propped up by the student's...
Posted by Yoshimi on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 08:06:00 PST

Art yet again

Another lllloooooooongggg series of art & some photos too!   ^ I couldn't scan this unfortunitly it was too large [ 2 pages in my sketchbook] The assignment was, what I don't know, and it to...
Posted by Yoshimi on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 10:19:00 PST

More art <3

^ Fine felt tip pen, kinda sketchy, but I think that was the point. ^ construction paper, ink, markers, glue, scissors, everything was cut or ripped out individually, including the teeth, bones, and...
Posted by Yoshimi on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 07:13:00 PST

MY ART. tell me what you think.

So I just got a new scanner, it scans things "satisfactory". So here is some art, that is "satisfactory".   "Reach for the Stars", the assignment was objective. Acrylic paint,& ball point pe...
Posted by Yoshimi on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 11:39:00 PST