asphyxiation, crucifixion, beheading, electrocution, flaying, gassing, hanging, lethal injection, iron maiden, poisoning, shooting, starvation, stoning, tearing apart by horses, poisonous stings, crushing by elephant or trampling by a herd or by horsemen
Man Wolf Strayhorn, Clover & Rachel Carroll, Hobson Smith, Smokey Wilson, Bill Cabrera, Theodore Henning, Smokey River Boys, Boxcar Preachers, The Zydeco Dots, Stephanie Urbina Jones, PC Cowboys, The Kyle Family, Dog Men Poets, Sweet Mama Cotton, Donna Henschell, Therapy Sisters, Unik Voices of Faith, Bad Bob Rohan, Lil Bit & The Customatics, Cari Lee & The Saddle-ites, Jolly Roger Band
Claire Bennet, Matt Parkman, Hiro Nakamura, Nathan Petrelli, Niki Sanders,