Born Poor - Took Life By The Balls profile picture

Born Poor - Took Life By The Balls

And Now I'm Motoring!

About Me

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Dedicated To The Man Who Helped Me Become A Millionaire

Ahh... Fast Cars... I love 'em!
I come from a relatively poor background. My parents weren't rich and bringing up and raising a family of five was a constant struggle for them.
From an early age, I seemed to be protected by the "happiness bubble" - my parents told me that - my brothers and sisters told me that.
And I grew up believing that.
What does that mean? Well whenever I fell, unlike other children, I wouldn't get up crying... I'd get up with a big broad grin across my face, my dimples on my cheeks crying their own defiance.
I'd fall and bruise, get bumps on my head, graze my knees in a fall... same thing... big broad dimple faced grin.
So I had what my family called "the happiness bubble" protecting me.
In a weird way, I owe a lot to the "happiness bubble" and believing in its protection.
I've had a lot of "not so happy times" seeing my parents struggle to bring us up.
I did well at school, but I didn't carry on into further education. I needed to get work.
Not that my parents ever asked me to sacrifice my education, they encouraged me to complete it - but they needed money coming in - were stooped in debt, and still paying for a family of three (my elder two brothers had long since flown the nest).
My first job was at Pizza Hut at the age of 17.
I worked my backside off but hell did I have a lot of fun.
The people I worked with were great, and I felt like I had entered the world of "grown ups" for real.
One night, after work I went back to Andy's place, a work colleague at Pizza Hut.
We were "putting the world to rights" and then his brother came in with one of his friends and I saw Andy's face light up at seeing this man too.
Andy seemed to forget that I was there, and he and his brother both started chatting with this man and listening to their conversation, I soon forgot I was there too.
We were all totally engrossed by what Andy's brother's friend was saying.
He was an asian man, dressed in a suit, but couldn't have been a day over at the most 25 at the time I guessed.
Dynamic in personality and attitude - eloquently spoken, and able to explain things in very simple terms.
I didn't know him at that point, but he would become my lifetime friend, mentor, and although he hates the word "guru" to whom I'm forever indebted.
As he was speaking to us, he suddenly stopped mid-sentance - looked right at me... and paused as if in thought.
I'll never forget that two second silence in the room - it seemed like an eternity.
"You're learning from this aren't you?" He finally said with a big smile.
I hadn't been aware, but as he went on to point out, I had been holding my mug of coffee in my hand for over an hour, in the same position, without taking a sip all the while staring at him wide eyed and jaw agape.
The following conversation that took place turned the rest of my life around forever.

"This Conversation Changed My Life Forever"

Tahir : "It's Jez Right? "
Me: "Err.. Yeah..."
Tahir : "What do you do Jez? Are you studying? Working?"
Me: "I work with Andy..."
Tahir : "How old are you Jez?"
Me: "17"
Tahir : "And what do you want to do when you grow up Jez?"
(at this point everyone started laughing)
Me: "I'm not sure... earn lots of money doing something I guess."
Tahir :"But you don't know quite what right now, right?"
Me: "nope"
Tahir : "Okay well welcome to the 90% of the human race"
(more laughter)
Tahir : "Have you ever picked up a seed and regarded it closely in your hand Jez?"
Me: "Eh?.."
Tahir : "Have you ever picked up a seed in your hand and had a really close look at it?"
Me: "Err.. Yeah.. No... Not Really... Why?"
Tahir : "Well the next time you pick up a seed, take a really close look at it. Regard it carefully. Really carefully" (Tahir made a gesture as if he was holding a seed in his hand and was now looking at his own hand almost as if he was holding a seed in it whilst speaking.)
Me: "Okay..."
Tahir : "And as you look... you'll notice that there is something very tragic about it. You see it knows that there is something bigger and better out there... It doesn't know what yet... it hasn't got a clue... Just like you... but it does... It knows that something much bigger, much better out there awaits it. It knows it has the potential to become a beautiful rose, or a solid oak tree, or something else... doesn't know what... "
Me: "okay...."
Tahir : "But do you know what the shame is Jez?"
Me: "Go On..."
Tahir : "Whilst it's in your hand... that's all it will ever remain... just a seed."
Tahir paused for a few seconds to let this point really sink in.
Tahir :"Now it's only a case of taking the seed out of your hand and placing it in the right kind of soil, with the right temperature and environment for its growth... and at the right time... Then you can leave the seed to it's own devices. It will naturally grow to become whatever it was destined to be... the beautiful daffodil or the great oak tree... am I making sense?"
Me: "yeah you are..."
Tahir : "but here's the most important concept Jez"
Again Tahir paused for a seconds, letting my mind take in what I had already heard before continuing. We were all sat entranced by his words.
Tahir : "Before It can become the beautiful daffodil, or the great oak tree... It has to DIE to the seed..."
Again at this point Tahir paused momentarily just to let that sink in.
Tahir : "Do you understand? It can't be a seed and an oak tree at the same time - It HAS to DIE to the seed - Think about it..."
He paused for a second... and then recontinued his previous conversation right from where he'd left off, as if this little aside had never even taken place.
Now at that point, I felt like I had just entered the twilight zone.
I don't want to tell you what the above conversation meant for me. All I will say is it started the process that changed my life... I got out of it what it meant for me.
You will get out of it what if anything it means to you.
From that occassion onwards, I met Tahir many more times, in fact, I pestered him to a point he told me I was pestering him, and if I he was going to allow me to continue I had to give him a damned good reason...
I asked him to consider me his kid brother and that that's what kid brothers did... pester their elders! So he should just get on with letting me get on with pestering him.
He laughed and simply shook his head... We've been great friends ever since.
Other key things he taught me that shaped my life:
* Wealth isn't about spending - its about saving.
* Making money is a blessing - losing money is a lesson - or as Tahir says "If you lose money and don't learn a lesson from it, you're stupid." - Fair point.
* A persons ability to make decisions is directly proportional to how much they trust themselves.
* Live amongst people in such a way that whilst you're alive they crave for your company, and when you die they weep over you.
* People only believe what they want or are are taught to believe. Often percieved truth and actual reality are at different poles.
* Teach yourself before you try teaching others.
* In life there are green grassers and mountain climbers. Green grassers always think the grass is greener everywhere else - mountain climbers take what they have and work their way to the top.
* People will either share in your fire, or dampen it. Don't let others dampen your fire.
* Success is product of doing what the "already successful" do and then finding ways to make it yours.* Most failure is at a mental level first until we focus on it so much that our brain creates the perfect strategies to turn it into our own worst reality.
* If you want to learn to swim - start with guidance in a swimming pool - if you want to drown... jump straight into the ocean.
And so much more... I could write a book, and maybe one day I should and even will.
Long story short, I started saving money. Saving, saving, saving.
I saved enough money from my Pizza Hut job that I was able to get onto the first rung of the property market.
I bought my first house at the age of 19.
By the age of 21 I had my own little market stall.
By the age of 23 I had 4 market stalls.
By the age of 25 I had 6 properties rented out to other people and was looking at investing in property in dubai and had a portfolio over $1.8 Million.
Now I am a multi-millionaire but I never forget my roots.
My parents live in a dream home, go on holidays every year, and don't have to struggle. It's me paying them back for bringing up the dancing toddler with the "happiness bubble".
Thank you Tahir - This is my way of sharing with the world what you did for me and my family.
Thank you for putting up with the incessant pestering.
Thank you for giving me a kick up the arse whenever I needed it, never holding back from telling me "exactly how it is..." and for not ever playing to my ears for the sake of playing to my ears.
Thank you for stopping me making some stupid mistakes and helping me put right those that I did.
But most of all...
Thank you for being my mentor, my friend and my brother.
Love you Always.
A final word about TahirThose of you who know Tahir will know that he could afford many times over to get the most flashiest of websites up and running - Know why he doesn't? He learns everything from scratch... and goes out and creates his own websites (he had NO knowledge of how to even upload a website page or basic html when he started!) to experience what a first time online entrepreneur who tries to make money online will encounter - problems he or she will face - hurdles, obstacles and wins and losses.
He sets himself a $500 starting budget for each project and works upwards from there.. Some have been successful and others have failed, and he's taken those learnings wherever he's made a loss. He looks at what the experts online teach, and puts it into practice. What works he keeps, what doesn't he discards. He does it with a real enthusiasm to learn and to pass on his learnings.
He earns thousands of dollars selling resale rights products other say can't be sold - and now he is developing a website to teach others how he is making money online.CLICK HERE to visit Tahir's new website focused on teaching people how to set up an Ebook And Software Master Resale Rights business from scratch - It's FREE and it's new, so more information is being added to it all the time - Get in before someone else does and learn all you need to learn right now to start making money online today! Here's the link again:

CLICK HERE NOW - Ebook And Software Master Resale Rights

Just another example of Tahir's giving nature - A true hero in a world of villains.
If you get an opportunity to learn anything off him online - take it. He'll only ever show you what works, and then only after having tested it himself - And if you don't have thousands of dollars to invest to start an online business, learn off someone who knows the exact problems you face, and can help you maximise and profit from a much smaller starting budget!
Tahir has many offline interests which are his major source of income.

To Visit Tahir's MySpace Page CLICK HERE.

Alternatively, find him in my TOP FRIENDS listed below!____________________________________________

My Interests

scuba diving, cars, gadgets - yes boys love toys!

I'd like to meet:

Positive people - people who love life, and people who strive to achieve, people with passion! Oh and the girl I met on the tram 5 years ago!


Anything goes unless I've got a headache!


Glen Gary Glen Ross, Heat, Once Upon A Time In America, Die Hard, Speed, Godfather Trilogy,


Don't watch much TV


One minute manager, Think And Grow Rich, Talk And Grow Rich, etc. etc. and Any Fantasy Fiction By Stephen Donaldson, Piers Anthony, David Gemmel and absolutely loved the Belgariad By David Eddings!


My Parents, Tahir Shah, Richard Branson, Sir Alan Sugar