Bowling, Baseball, Music, Movies, Did I mention Bowling?
Buried at
My better half and hopefully for a while if not for good - No pictures here, haven't met her yet. One thing is for sure though, Like most men I have a few vices. They consist of Bowling, Video Games, Family and Friends and not in any real order but........ most importantly and without question my number 1 vice would always be Her!!
3 Days Grace, Linkin Park, All American Rejects, Nickleback and Breaking Benjamin, GNR, Huey Lewis, Velvet Revolver, Hoobastank, Styx, Elton John, Billy Joel...This list could literally go on forever.
Buried at
Pin Gods, A League of Ordinary Gentlemen, The Big Lebowski, Kingpin....Seeing a Pattern?? Also on the playlist are Back the the Future, Invincible, Oceans 11 and 12, The Pirates of the Carribean movies and of course anything with Vince Vaughn or Owen Wilson - No matter the role - those guys are just funny!!! Wedding Crashers or Starksy and Hutch anybody??
24, Scrubs, Boy Meets World, Seinfeld, PBA Bowling on ESPN!!
John Grisham Novels, SI and Bowlers Journal
Friends and Family - They are always there for you!!