Ira Henry profile picture

Ira Henry

JeSuS LoVeS tHe "HELL" oUt oF YoU...GeT iT, GoT iT...GoOD

About Me

I aM a CoUnTrY BoY @ HeArT...Ya HeRd!!!---v

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"God has BLESSED me to share time and space with a woman that He has designed especially for me".*

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Hi, my name is Ira Henry and I am a born-again christian, in Christ Jesus.I am from Modesto,California. I am 'HAPPILY' married to a beautiful Latina(Dolores) and have two awesome boys(Isaiah,Elijah)... "What therefore God Hath Joined Together, Let No One Put Asunder(Separate) * Families Are Made in Heaven...DIS IZ MAH FAM

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Besides God, they are what is most important in my life. I am on here to keep in touch with important people of my life. Also, to be re-united with old friends,and fam; as well as make new ones.I am pursuing my Associates degree in Criminal Justice/Psychology at University of Phoenix - Online. I am all about God and my Fam...Well, there was a long period in my life where I felt a bit lonely...I guess,and angry. I mean, it was like, I was missing something in my life, but I couldn't figure out what that something was...U know! In the DEEPNESS of every human heart, there is this VOID ; EMPTINESS, that NOTHING of this world can fill. Then I came to realize that it was GOD that I was missing; needing. I knew that all I needed to do was OPEN my heart, and ASK God to be a part of my life. *

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My Interests

"GoD cOmEs fIrSt iN MaH LiFe"
* I enjoy: Going to church(,Spending quality time with the Fam and friends,Going to School... watch and play sports(football and basketball, mainly),Playing Wii with kids- Guitar Hero,etc...If I ever had a daughter...Well,Tim says it best...

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior - NOT as Judge - On the day of Grace... I would like to meet some new folks, and see some new faces, without all the drama,tho...ya herd! Pastors that I listen to on a daily basis, that have been an Inspiration and Blessing on my life:Billy Graham,Charles Stanley, Hank Hanegraff(Bible Answerman),Paul Sheppard, and Greg Laurie. You can find them ALL, and many more on, My favorite christian rock singer: Third Day. Also my favorite television father-figure,Andy Griffith. Last, but not least...


I enjoy listening to Christian and "ALL" positive-encouraging music...I love country music because it is positive-encouraging music that sends out a good Godly message to it's listeners. ...Tim McGraw is my favorite country music artist.


ScaRfaCe...No low-budget films please...


There are way too many shows too keep track, but...I like to watch good positive shows like:Law & Order(SVU),CSI(Miami),the Office,Raising the Bar,Extreme Makeover:Home Edition,Kings of Queens(SHUTTY),Seinfeld,George Lopez(member...u member,lol),and all mah old school shows on nick&nite and tvland.I HATE reality shows


William Blake : THE SHEPHERD - How sweet is the Shepherd's sweet lot! From the morn to the evening He strays; He shall follow his sheep all the day, and His tongue shall be filled with praise. For He hears the lambs innocent call, and He hears the ewes' tender reply; He is watchful while they are in peace, for they know that their Sheperd is nigh


- Philippians 2:9-11, Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father