I like cats and dogs and damn few people. Let's just say that the animals have never hurt my heart on purpose. People do that just because they can.
OK, if you are reading this, then probably not you.Visit my friend Kei and check out her books ~
I can state immediately that I hate blues - yak floopy grating sounds. I like something with ponderous lyrics or a melancholy sound. Most rap slash hip hop sounds like every other song in that genre = boring. Same for country - most of it. Melancholy . . too dark to list most, but don't you just really feel Mad World?
Don't really watch many movies and I don't know why. I used to love them.
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Yes I have a TV and Yes it is usually on. I like NCIS but I don't always watch it.
Well, I read. Not near as much as I used to and not as much as I'd like. Carole Nelson Douglas, thank you for Midnight Louie. Simon Hawke, thank you for Catseye Gomez. * * * * * =^-^=
This man, my son. So now you see why I am undecided on children.