About Me
First off if for some strange reason you want to be my friend send me a message first. If you know me in the real world then ignore that.
I love dogs. Especially fat ones that watch movies with me.
I like sporks.
I read all the time(classics, history, sci-fi, horror, shampoo bottles etc etc.)
I think entertainers take themselves too seriously and I love it when they “sell outâ€.
"Anata mo watashi mo Pocky!"
Find the odd thing on the menu and I will eat it.
I am a sardonic, sarcastic smart ass. This should probably be at the top of the list but I am going to hide it here.
I am a movie fan. The left hand side of the page says that.
I am not joking as much as you may think I am.
I collect sound files of people laughing.
My favorite super hero is the Joker.
I think this list will grow because I am not ready to give up this wretched myspace.
Feel free to call me by any of these especially Riobard, Rabbie, Rip, and Ruprecht.
Robert has 30 variant forms: Bert, Bertie, Bob, Bobbie, Bobby, Rab, Rabbie, Riobard, Rip, Rob, Roban, Robb, Robben, Robbie, Robbin, Robbins, Robbinson, Robby, Robers, Roberto, Robertson, Robi, Robin, Robinson, Robson, Robyn, Robynson, Rupert, Ruperto and Ruprecht
You can also refer to me by my middle name Michael.
Or any of the 40 variant forms: Makai, Micael, Mical, Micha, Michaelangelo, Michail, Michal, Micheal, Michel, Michelangelo, Michele, Michiel, Mickey, Micky, Miguel, Mihail, Mihaly, Mikael, Mike, Mikel, Mikell, Mikey, Mikkel, Mikhail, Mikhalis, Mikhos, Mikkel, Miko, Mikol, Miky, Miquel, Mischa, Misha, Mitch, Mitchell, Mychael, Mychal, Mykal, Mykel and Mykell.
"Gott ist tot"
..This is me. Take it or leave it.
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