544-548 WEST 119TH STREET
CHICAGO, IL 60628Due to heavy traffic on the Café Psalms 150 site, the site will be down till Saturday. I praise God for the heavy traffic but never thought I would go over my monthly limit. I guess I need to increase it!!! If you want to purchase tickets please call 708-692-5157 or 708-813-3763 to RSVP and your name will be at the door to pay the $8.00. Otherwise it will be $10 at the door which includes food. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you there!!Alita Eagles
Founder of Café Psalms 150
Cafe Psalms 150 Presents
It's In Your Praise
Praise Concert
Mark Wright and Friends - www.myspace.com/markwrightandfriends
Mark Wright and Friends - www.myspace.com/nuworks
Mark Wright and Friends - www.myspace.com/kingdavidthaves
Purchase Your Advance Tickets Now!!!
God Bless Alita Eagles Cafe Psalms 150 Founder.
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